Chapter 18: The Fuck Up

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So it takes me about 10 minutes to finish my "shopping at Carters ". Afterwards I do end up going to Carters. I walk in and head to the clearance section. There, I find a young lady around my age. Obviously more far along than me. Around 3-4 months. I'm only 2. "Hi" I say as politely as possible. "How are you?" "Good" she says with a smile on her face. She's around my height and has shoulder length black hair. She has light brown eyes and overall is really pretty. "I'm Tammy by the way" I say. "Lis, nice to meet you!" She says in return. We end up just laughing and talking about our lives for about half an hour. We became the best of friends. "Here." I said as I handed her my phone number. "Text me later so we can meet up sometime." "Okay. Don't worry I will." she says in return. I didn't find anything,but at least my fib is mostly true.
I arrive home to the smell of chicken and mashed potatoes. "Kian?" I say in amazement. "Hey babe. I wanted to surprise you with lunch." he says like a sweetheart. For a moment I forget everything that happened and wrap my arms around his neck. "Thank you. I love it." I say with passion and gratitude. "Your welcome." He says leaning in for a kiss. I lean in too and I kiss him. Yea u think I'm crazy, making out with the guy that cheated on me. But overall I loved him and I still do. Yea I was mad but I can't stay mad at him forever. After all we are having a kid. For the first time in my life, I'm okay. I know that he wasn't using me for sex. He actually loves me. People make mistakes, sometimes for dumb reasons. Everyone should be given a second chance, and this is his. Not including going to fuck up the girl that slept with your boyfriend but hey, that's between you and me.

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