Chapter 12: Out of the Shell and onto the Bird

Start from the beginning

"now we just have to wait for 17C and his team" those words just sent great happiness and relief through my body.

"we are already here" 16M appears from below and almost jumps out of his skin.

"how did you get here so fast!?" I laugh and walk down to him, it seems he has the rest of the group with him.

"we drove a car halfway and ran the rest" 16M shakes his head at us and walks back to the exit.

"nice cloths. Now all we need to do is grab the helicopter and fly out of here" I turn back into the hangar.

"you can come out now. We are ready to go" 7P, Alice and 11O jump out from their hiding spots and run to meet up with the rest of the group.

"so everyone is here?" 16M turns back and nods happily

"yes. Amazingly, everyone survived" I am amazed we managed to keep everyone alive.

"well, we should get to that helicopter" 16M nods and we run out of the hangar. 16M points over to a aircraft near the third hangar.

"we are going to take that. It can fit everyone, and then some" we run over to the third hangar.

"ah, this is a Chinook. It was created by the New Roman Republic of the Americas" 15G sure does know his stuff.

"how many people can it fit?" 15G looks to me and laughs.

"forty-four according to my sources" that is a lot of people for such a small-looking helicopter. We run over to the helicopter and 16M jumps into the pilot seat. He fiddles with a few switches, stops for a moment, flicking the same switches backwards and forwards and finally hits the console.

"the damn thing is disabled by a weird code on the side" 15G walks over to 16M and gently pushes him aside.

"let me see the problem" 15G presses a few buttons on the code pad and the helicopter lights up.

"how did you do that 15G?" he smirks and presses his glasses.

"I am the smart one after all. I can do a lot" I sure am glad we still have him with us, otherwise we would of not been able to escape in time.

"can you fly it 15G?" 15G stretches his mouth into a giant grin.

"can I!?" he jumps into the pilot seat eagerly and flicks all the switches.

"let's go guys!" we exit the cockpit and enter the cargo hold of the helicopter. The rotors start spinning and the helicopter starts to lift off the ground.

"here we go!" the helicopter leans to one side and we move out of the airport. The helicopter ascends into the sky and we fly out of the city. The skyline is nearly reduced to rubble now, and the fighting has nearly passed. The sun is getting close to rising, and luckily for us, we have reached the safe zone before it blows up. With our escape all but guaranteed, we cheer as the city gets further away. Now we are going to look for Alice's parents and help her find peace with the eventual truth she will have to face. Then we will head for Greece and hide from Ismilda there. We fly across the highway that I expected to be empty, but it is filled with many military vehicles heading out of the city. They must be evacuating from the city because they have heard about the bomb. We fly away from the highway and fly towards the train line and follow that out. But there is a dead monster with wings beside the tracks.

"we should just fly over the fields and hills. We should avoid all roads and tracks where people could see us" 15G laughs from the pilot seat, somehow hearing me.

"they are tracking us in the sky anyway. That is why we are going to ditch this thing when we land it somewhere" I guess we have no choice if we want to not be tracked across the world. Alice and 7P are grabbing cloths from 11O's bag and are handing them out to everyone. The rest of the group seems happy to be given at least some form of clothing other than the prison cloths we were provided when we were placed in the facility. 11O is looking out of the window in the side of the helicopter and is watching the city shrink and get further away.

"Can you believe it is finally over?" 11O shakes his head at me and looks around the helicopter.

"no. I can not believe everyone survived both the facility, and the city" yeah, I am still amazed at that too. Although a lot of people still died to the water and to the fighting in the city.

"do you think we will hear about those water monsters ever again?" 11O places his hand on his chin and thinks while looking out the window.

"I hope not. If it were to get out, the world would be in danger. But I trust that the brutal woman known as Ismilda has already stopped it from escaping" she is quite the fan of keeping things away and in small spaces.

"can we escape her influence? Can we get out of her reach?" 11O sighs and looks down to the fields below.

"not forever" in the end, Ismilda is very likely going to control most of the world, so we should prepare for that.

"how long do you think we have?" there is a short pause.

"I hope we have at least half a year" I will try my hardest to become powerful and be able to stand up to Ismilda by then.

"I hope by then, we will at least stand a chance against her" 11O nods.

"one day we will be able to stand against Ismilda and fight back. I just hope we can live long enough to reach that point" our hope to beat Ismilda rests on how long we have until we have to fight her directly. We will require a lot of training and experience to fight her, but where are we going to get that?

"the problem remains. How are we going to train and build up our power?" 11O looks at everyone in the helicopter.

"with great effort" 11O continues to look out into the fields surrounding the city. I walk over to 7P and Alice, who have just finished giving out cloths to everyone and are now talking quietly.

"how did the distribution go?" Alice and 7P smile and look towards Kranter, 16M and 13D.

"13D said she likes to wear pretty, pink dresses in her spare time and wants to become a model. 16M was very reluctant to take an item of clothing, so we gave him some pants. Kranter likes to wear pants that he can pull up to his lower chest" those, are some unique tastes in clothing, except for 16M. Alice and 7P look happy with themselves. Which reminds me of where we are going next.

"how far away are you parents, Alice?" Alice lightens her smile and points her finger up.

"up north, at Teathergen" I nod and walk to 15G, who is in the pilot seat. He seems to be enjoying himself, flying up in the sky.

"hey 15G, we are heading for Alice's home first right?" 15G nods to my question.

"yep, but first we have to make a detour to avoid any patrolling jets and helicopters around Edvardshagen. We are going to have to turn back and move along an area close to the city" I understand.

"once we are done with that, are we heading for Germany?" 15G nods and moves around in his seat.

"yeah, we are going to stop in Toulouse and hide out in France to avoid Ismilda" Great. We are out of the worst of the journey to safety, now we just need to reach Toulouse.

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