Chapter 1: Afternoon

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The sound of many birds chirping fills the fields around the school yard where I am Spending my normal afternoon with my four friends, before going home. My day as uneventful as ever and boring, which can be looked at as good, as I am more of a wholesome, family person, than a violent fighter, for a lack of a better term. I don't need any pointless high school drama in my life, I am perfectly content with the calm, unchanging ways of my current lifestyle.

"What are you going to do this afternoon Valian?" questioned my friend Halfar, who we laugh at sometimes due to his viking style name, which is considered too traditional. I mean honestly, the vikings were a band of raiders from Iberia that became a nuisance for the kingdom of Toulouse, when it was still considered a kingdom. It's not like his ancestral homeland is still the way it was over a thousand years ago. It is nothing more than a region divided between three powerful nations these days. With these thoughts flowing in my mind once again, I let out a sigh.

"Just gonna spend my time at home doing nothing" I answer to my bored, tired friend. I had nothing planned but rest and relaxation for today. With the current situation in our home country and the pressure on it to start conscripting kids as young as fourteen, the stress of being conscripted is immense. It has proven to be a great emotional drain.

"Do you want to head out to the new sports field to workout, or just watch others?" Halfar had a crazy obsession with getting buff and fit, but that was likely his viking blood influencing his desires. He thought it was the only way to get a girl and become popular, which is not too far off from the truth. After all, everyone looks to the historical figure known as the First Emperor, when it comes to success. The madman had over fifty wives throughout his immortal reign. It is amazing to think that not only did he live for almost a thousand years, but also that half of his wives also lived with immortality alongside him. Indeed, he is the person everyone thinks of when they hear success.

My other friend Seive, who had been silent till now stands up "How long until you stop pushing yourself and just maintain what you have got Hal?".

Halfar took a moment to think about Seive's suggestion. Then he spoke "I will stop when I'm dead" he declared.

While we made our way to the field after Halfar convinced us there would be some beauties around, we talked about current events, the sports and politics. Typical teenage seventeen year old boys. It almost makes me laugh to think about it, I have to stop myself from making a sound. Seive looks to us with an expression of shock, as if he has just been informed of a fun fact that is actually new and informative, unlike most recycled fun facts we find on social media.

"did you hear about Emotimax and their new liquid energy which can be transferred to people?" Seive is always the scientific one, who is into all the high tech stuff.

"rumor is that it is powered by emotion, how emo" Halfar criticizes the company that seems to focus on the emotional aspects of the human brain.

"I wonder what kind of power your emotion would provide" I wonder if you can power a city with pure hatred or love? But another question would be: How did they create that energy in the first place? According to the Emperor's second law of science, energy can neither be created or destroyed. So how did they harness that power?

The last two of our group are glued to a phone and are commenting on it with every chance they get.

"I can not believe he just did that"

"yeah, he has done it now. He is about to be destroyed"

I do not understand what they are so interested in, but right now I need to get some exercise.

We arrive at the field and Halfar starts to exercise immediately while I follow, leaving Seive joining us last. There were some muscular men working out near us at other weights areas and they were lifting over 120kg over their shoulders. On the other side were some ladies playing volleyball and tennis, which were all average looking at a glance, with Seive looking over at them every once in a while. Seive joins us and we begin our routine of eventually increasing our strength.

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