Their parents, surprised: Elaborate on that.

AJR, leaving to start street performing: No.


Jack: What do you think I should make for dinner?

Ryan: Food, preferably.


Jack: I didn't do anything.

Adam: I don't believe you, because I didn't ask.

Jack: frick.


Ryan, crossing his legs: Men have nothing but the AUDACITY.


Ryan, pulling out a cup and the milk: Oh boy, what a week.

Jack: It's Wednesday.

Ryan, putting the milk back and pulling out the chocolate milk: I'm going to need something a little stronger, then.


(Planning for a radio show)

Adam: Learn the plans, become one with the plans.

Adam: Eat the plans.

Adam: Okay, any questions?

Chris: Uh, yes- when the f*ck was the last time you slept?


Jack: Bending a spoon with my hands is the same thing as bending a spoon with my mind. My mind controls my hands, you see.

Adam, listening to Jack rant to him from the phone at 3am: ...... Yep.


(AJR performing at a bar)

Jack: HEY! I'm singing, so get off your phones!


Jack: Unless you're taking photos of me...



Person: Are you a masochist or a sadist?

Ryan, deadpan: I'm a Pisces.


Ryan: Joe, this song is dedicated to you.

Ryan: *Wacks Joe in the face with a ukulele*

AJR: *bows*


Jack: Does everyone agree that recycling is important?

Adam, excitedly: Yes!

Jack: Good. Now you understand why I'm pro grave robbing, right?


Ryan: What color are mirrors?

Ryan, to himself: No stop.

Ryan: I can't do this to myself tonight.


Jack: And last but not least, my lucky hat!

Everyone: What's so lucky about it?

Jack: Once, when I was wearing this hat, everyone gave me a present.

Adam and Ryan: That's because it was your birthday.


Jack: Would you like a drink?

Jack, opening the fridge: We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr pepper-

Alba: Spiders?

Jack: Spiders it is then!

Alba: No, that wasn't-

But he was already pouring her a brimming glass of spiders.


Adam: I've taken to wearing a clown mask while I sleep to stop Ryan and Jack from breaking into my room at night.


Okay, so if you guys want to be featured in the last chapter of this book, please send me your favorite incorrect quotes that I've had in my book! Or any new incorrect quotes you've come up with.

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