Eddie Birdlace x Ftm!reader

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I decided to go get another beer and maybe sit at the bar.

"Hey man, I'll take a Miller beer if you got it!" I called to the bartender.

He turned to face me and asked if I wanted a bottle or a glass. I responded with bottle.

We got to talking and I noticed something about him, well, more than one thing. He was quite handsome, and his eyes were beautiful and kind.

What! Why was I thinking this! I'm a Marine and I like women, I mean, I have always liked women. But like is different from love isn't it?

I shook my head and continued to talk with the bartender, or should I say (Y/n). He seemed kind of pessimistic about the war, I mean, I was too but at least I was serving.

"So Eddie, what is a guy like you doing out here tonight? Aside from a last hoorah before possible death?" he asked.

To be honest, I didn't really know. I mean, I liked spending time with Boland and Bernstein, but I kind of hated this game.

"Oh, ya know, spending some time with friends before we ship out." I said.

"Really? I don't seem to see many friends around." He replied.

"Well, they left to go find a date for this game we are playing."

"What game?"

"It's called dogfight, we are supposed to find the ugliest date by the end of the night to win the pot," I said.

"Well, I don't see many candidates around here." "I know, I didn't really want to play but here we are."

"Ya know..." He says, leaning in close to me. "...my shift ends in five minutes."

I choked on my beer and nearly fell out of my chair when he said that.

"Oh, um, what gave you that impression? I-I'm not, ya know." I said, getting up from the bar.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I guess I misunderstood. I'm so sorry." He replied. I could see the fear outlined in his eyes.

"No, it's okay, ugh, I'll be going," I said and walked out the door.

I kicked myself mentally for saying that, but he caught me off guard. I walked into the alley and leaned up against the wall. I lit a cigarette and began to think.

'He was really nice to you though.' A voice in the back of my head whispered. 'Maybe you should have taken him up on his offer. Who knows what could have happened.'

I sighed and scuffed my shoe on the ground. Now, even if I wanted to, I couldn't go back there. Way to go Eddie.

Suddenly the door to the building opened.

(Y/n's POV)

The more I talked to Eddie, the more I fell for him. He was funny, charming, and he was looking for a date. I decided to take my chances and leaned in close to him.

"Ya know, my shift ends in five minutes," I whispered.

Apparently, I misread the situation because he nearly fell off his stool. I freaked out and started apologizing over and over again. He said it was fine, but I knew it wasn't. Then he ended up leaving.

I was rattled but finished the few minutes left in my shift, then clocked out as fast as I could. I took a deep breath, trying to salvage the night, and stepped out into the alley. I turned to leave and saw Eddie leaning against the wall. I nearly had a heart attack. Maybe he wouldn't hurt me if I kept my head down. I bowed my head and tried to hurry past him but he grabbed my arm.

"Please don't hurt me." That was all I could say.

He looked confused and let go of my arm.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said quickly. "I was just wondering if I could still take you up on that offer."

I stared at him, trying to figure out if he was tricking me or something, but he still seemed genuine. I relaxed slightly and turned to face him fully.

"How do I know you aren't tricking me so you can hurt me later?" I asked.

His face became a mixture of hurt and confusion.

"Because, I don't want to hurt you, I only want to go to a diner or something."

I nodded and we walked side by side.

We continued to talk and I more or less explained why I was so nervous. I could see the realization set in and he apologized. I laughed it off as we sat down to eat.

The rest of the evening went smoothly. We ended up not going back to the dogfight but that was okay.

I gave him a number to reach me at when he came back home, and he kissed me goodnight on my front step.


A/n: Hope ya'll enjoyed it, see ya next time!

Male/Ftm Reader x Random, Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang