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The Queen took a deep breath.

"I am for once, at a loss onto what to do with the both of you" she muttered out.

We were all quiet again, as I glanced at the guards around us who didn't take their eyes away from us.

"Because if I let you go, I'm sure you will end up wanting to seek vengeance. You have broken the Truce... but you are still my granddaughter, Verity. I'm not naïve enough to think you aren't just as powerful as me, and truth be told, I am in no mood to produce any other offspring for the throne" the Queen said, looking at me.

"I don't want the crown" I breathed out.

The Queen smiled, "which is exactly why you will take it"

That made my magic flare, matching my emotions that threatened to pour over my hold.

"You will stay here, and be groomed into taking over from me, when it is time. It is the only way, for you to live. You have broken the Truce. It is either this, or death" she said, and gave me a smile, that didn't reach her eyes.

"And my guess, is that I will not be allowed to stay with her" Tae quickly said.

"Smart boy, Taehyung" the Queen muttered.

I caught on to what this was. She knew there was no way Tae or I would agree to that. It was no lie in me saying that I didn't want the throne, I hadn't ever wanted it, from the second I found out earlier today I was the only heir to the crown. The only thing I wanted, was Tae. And she knew that. We of course would refuse, and the payment for refusing would be death.

"Why did you do it?" I asked, voice low.

She snapped her eyes to me, the smile slowly fading from her lips.

"Why did you kill your daughter? You knew she was pregnant, and yet still did it. Regardless of me, she was still your child. Your own flesh and blood" I said, shaking my head slowly at the end.

The Queen was quiet, just looking at me.

And for the first time, I could see that she did live with that decision every day, ending her daughters life. Her eyebrows slowly creased together as she took in a large breath, before looking back over at me.

"She fell in love with your Father. A Fairy. I didn't know, for quite a few months. I knew that your Mother was sneaking out most evenings, but I trusted her. Candice never went through a rebellious phase, she was happy enough being outside in the garden, reading her books. I assumed she had met a high lords son, because there were so many of them that flustered to us, to ask for an arranged marriage" the Queen said, still looking at me.

I didn't know what to say to that, but it seemed she wasn't done speaking regardless. 

"I smelt it on her. Her scent started changing. I knew she was pregnant" the Queen added, and I heard the slight emotion in her voice.

I still stayed quiet. I wanted to see if she would tell me anymore, but I knew if I started showing interest in what she was saying, she would most likely just switch off this side of her.

"Truthfully, the pregnancy did not worry me. If she was pregnant, so be it, I just hoped the Father was worthy enough to become King one day along side her being Queen," she paused, to glance at me slowly, "Candice was a very obedient child, and thrived in learning everything. She barely needed mothering from me, so that is why I could accept the pregnancy"

I drew in a deep breath. That surprised me that she thought that way, I assumed my Mother's pregnancy with me would have also been a very negative thing. Unless she was lying through her teeth, which seemed like the more obvious option.

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