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Dread filled me, and I felt the cool wash drift over my skin from my heart plummeting.

Tae glanced to me, I saw how quickly he turned his head to look at me, "Veri?"

I took a deep breath, "we can't Tae"

I didn't look at him, as I felt the change in his own emotions. I'm going to need to remove this barrier, until we need to use it in training. He was feeling such a mixture of things I realised it was hard to keep up with them. Mostly fear.

"It's really hard. You are nearly consuming my every thought, Verity. That's why I need to feed already, because it's using everything in me to stop myself from touching you, and using all my energy to stay away from you, because your scent is just... I can't describe it" Tae suddenly breathed out all at once.

I was slightly speechless.

Then I thought drifted across my empty mind, "so it's just my scent? Just my blood?"

Tae scoffed slightly, but he shook his head, "no. If I wanted you for just your blood, I would scare you into submission, not giving a fuck about any Truce. But like I said, you are different"

"Exactly Tae, the Truce. Either way, it's still there" I muttered.

We were both quiet, because both of realised how this wasn't ever going to happen.

I slowly peeled the barrier away from Tae, and I knew he could feel me doing that as he done a small sigh. But what surprised me was how much that hurt me, it was like the core in my chest was aching.

He sat there for another minute, before standing up. I tilted my head back against the tree to look up at him, as he turned his head to the side to glance down at me, his gaze heavy. His black hair fell forward slightly, as he kept his gaze with me for a handful of seconds, before he walked away.

I skipped dinner, not remotely interested in eating. Jimin did pop his head in but I pretended to be asleep, I didn't want to speak to people at this moment.

I sighed and rolled over, grabbing a book from the little stand I had, trying to occupy my mind.

By the time I decided to put it down, my stomach rumbled at me, and I realised it was nearly midnight. I slipped on my house shoes, and went to the toilet first. I could feel Jimin, Hobi and what made me raise an eyebrow, was that Elle was also in his bed. Becoming this in touch with myself, I realised I could pick up on other people a lot more easier than before.

As I got downstairs, I went behind the canteen area, going into the kitchen and began making myself some noodles. I ate them, leaning over the counter on the island counter, staring at nothing.

As I started cleaning up after myself, I nearly jumped at I heard Tae's voice in the doorway. I realised I wouldn't be able to feel him anymore.

"Do you want a hand?" He said quietly.

I shook my head, "I'm just drying the dishes now"

He stayed standing there, looking at me.

"Did you feed?" I asked, putting away the few dishes I had.

He nodded, "it didn't satisfy what I truly am craving though, I realised"

I pursed my lips, my heart aching at me as I didn't turn to look at him, or acknowledge he said that. But then my mouth opened before I knew what I was going to say.

"Please don't make it harder Tae" I breathed out.

He didn't say anything as I put the last bowl away, and then walked towards him. But his gaze never left mine, even when I paused slightly beside him, before carrying on walking.

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