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I knew there would have been a change where some creatures would have slipped through with my gush of air earlier. Vines shot out of the ground and stabbed the one laying down, clawing at Tae's leg to get free, ripping apart it's heart.

With the other Haunter recovering from it's throat being ripped out, Tae quickly severed both heads, and let their decaying bodies slam to the ground around his feet. He looked over at me, eyes as jet black as I had ever seen them, and his lips were curled back over his teeth.

"I'm sorry, but she can't hear us now" I quickly breathed out.

The screeches around us made me glance over at my wall of fire, and I pushed out some heat into it, making the Haunters jump back.

As his jaw relaxed, he nodded.

"We need to kill her, for them to stop. I think she created the Haunters" I said quietly. I knew he would be able to hear me.

"I thought we would have to. That's something we are going to have to explain to the King of Fairies, and the Queen of Vampires. While the Truce says we cannot drink from a Fairy, it closely matches that Vampires cannot kill them Fairies either" Tae quickly muttered, walking back to me.

I shot out my palms, sending out some electric blue bolts towards the edge of my fire, catching the Haunters closest to the flames.

"I think they'll understand this, if it proves that she created Haunters. She's powerful Mind Fairy. She said how I would make a great asset to her collection" I breathed out.

Tae took a long breath in, glancing down to me.

"Don't look. She's to the right of us, if you focus well, you'll be able to see her in between the darkness of the trees. She cannot out run me, you just need to get me there and keep the Haunters away from you when you give me the gap in the fire, ok?" Tae said quickly, looking away from him, scanning the wall of fire. I blew the smoke away from us, also shielding the few of us.

I shook my head, "I'll just give you a straight line of protection, with the fire. I'll spread it towards her"

"But then we run the risk of her fleeing, and pouring the Haunters harder through the fire, she would risk them all to protect her, to get my attention to go back to you" Tae said, glancing down at me.

I bit the inside of my cheek, giving a deep breath.

"If you give me a gap in the fire, she will barely be able to see me until I'm within ten feet or so of her, which won't be enough time to do anything" Tae added, his hand brushing against mine.

I nodded, "one second long enough?"

Tae smirked, giving me a cocky smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him, the warmth spread through my chest.

"On three ok?" I breathed out.

He gave me a slow nod, smiling.

Something tugged in my throat, as I knew I wanted to say something. It was like Tae sensed this, as he cocked his head down, raising one eyebrow. He gave me a small smile.

I breathed out a smile.

He reached up and cupped at my cheek quickly. Running his thumb across my bottom lip, "I love you"

The boost in my emotion, matched into my magical core. I could feel the magic running in my fingertips as I reached up and put my hand on his forearm, where his skin was already perfectly healed, and no fading scars were visible.

"I love you too, Tae" I smiled.

He leant down to kiss me. And then pecked me once more before leaning his forehead on mine, "start counting, baby"

I placed my hand on his cheek lightly, "one, two," I then felt his soft skin brush away from my touch, "three"

I focused on the three foot gap in the fire I opened, narrowing my eyes to quickly look ahead. I could just notice the movement in the forest, as she began fleeing. I closed the wall, but not before three Haunters pushed in through the gap.

With one hand I pulled the fire away from that spot behind the three creatures, and it caught onto them within a second. I watched as they all fell to the ground, withering in pain as they began melting away.

The Haunters all suddenly charged in through the fire, but none made it long enough to go around five feet. I clutched my hands into fists, my eyes were such a pure light, I could feel the magic in them radiating.

This went on for about ten seconds, before the last few at the back of the large group, ignored the flames and forced their gangly bodies through, screeching in anger.

I let the flames ease down, spreading out on the ground, melting away.

Tae stood the other side, where I had let him out. He was shaking his hand, that had blood on up to his forearm, flicking the blood off from his skin. I could notice him gritting his jaw.

The was probably quite hard, having a Fairies blood directly on him.

I opened up my palms, drawing up the water from around him. I pulled it from the stream nearest to us, as it travelled through the earth. Tae offered his hand by keeping it still, and I brushed the water all down his forearm. The clear water turned a red colour for a second or so until I drew it back into the earth.

He looked over to me, having a small smile.

"Verity?" I heard a shout behind me, it was the Commander.

I turned it see him pulling open the other door to the main building, seeing me a short distance away. He actually looked relieved, also seeing Tae who now had walked to join me.

As my adrenaline started to wash away, my knees started to shake, which made me nearly fall to the floor. Tae gripped at me right away, keeping me steady.

"I'm just tired" I said gently.

The Commander walked up to the both of us, looking concerned as Tae kept me steady.

"I'm just really exhausted, I'm ok" I breathed out.

The Commander nodded, "Taehyung, take her back to her room. You can fill me in, until Verity is recovered"

Tae nodded, keeping his arm around my waist as we walked away.

"And Verity?" The Commander called, making Tae turn the both of us so we could look at him, "well done. I'm very proud"

The validation made me smile, "thank you sir"

"Sir... the body of the Mind Fairy is over there" Tae called, nodding towards the edge of the forest.

Commander Asher tensed his jaw as he nodded slowly.

Tae was whispering quietly in my ear, telling me how he would come right back to hold me once he had spoken to the Commander after settling me into my bed, when he tensed slightly.

The doors to our dorm building flew open, and Jimin was stood there, looking very bewildered.

Tae smiled at him and patted him on the shoulder as we passed him.

"Veri?! Are you ok?" He breathed out.

I nodded with a comforting smile.

"I'll talk to you in a minute, give me five" Tae muttered.

Jimin took a deep breath and looked around him, "I want JK"

Tae chuckled, "the Vampires should be back within a handful of minutes, if they've woken up"

Tae scooped down and lifted me up, making me put my hands around his neck as I settled in his arms as he walked up the stairs. As he opened my bedroom door, he nuzzled into my neck, drifting a kiss along the soft skin.

He placed me on my bed, as I leant up and pulled off my jumper, and then my bottoms. Tae passed me a water bottle from my fridge, and I gave him a smile as a thanks.

As I settled into bed, he placed a kiss on my forehead, "I'll be back as soon as I can, baby"

I smiled, and smoothed my hand over his cheek before he pulled away.

But much to my surprise, I did fall asleep.


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