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"What did you get from that, Veri?" Hazel wondered, as she turned to look at me.

Zack looked at me, and he didn't exactly look thrilled that his sister was asking me a question like that.

"That you aren't connected to Air. You view it as a weak element" I breathed out, looking back at Zack. His jaw tightened, as he sighed.

Hazel nodded at me to carry on, and I cleared my throat, realising all the attention was on me. Castor smiled gently as I glanced over to my right. Tae felt very passive as I tuned into him, he realised how safe I was here.

"You need to feel the currents in the air around you, much like earth, where under your feet you can feel the connection, but with air, it's all around you. Look around, and see it. Don't blindly shoot out the bolts, when you can't control them" I said.

"Control them? I can control them, they just don't do what I want them to do" Zack quickly replied.

I pursed my lips, "then that isn't controlling them"

Castor and Lucas chuckled, leaning into one another as their youngest brother just glared at them. He looked back at me and I offered a small smile, showing I meant no harm in my words. I raised my palm, seeing the shimmering veins already in my fingertips, and flexed my fingers. Tiny slithers of electric bolts spread around from me, and I let them dance all around the people around us, Hazel grinned, watching bolts travel all around her skin, not touching. As I turned my head to the side, I saw Tae smiling at the bolts that were twisting around his forearms.

"If you bend the current around the bolts, you guide them. It's about letting go of control, and trusting that Air will guide you, not the other way around. The path of the bolts are already being set as I move the current, but the Air is already making a path towards the nearest threat" I breathed out as we all watched the bolts continue to dance around us, I was moving the air all at once, pulling it directly to the tree nearest to our left, and all of the bolts landed at once, making Hazel jump back out of way.

Tae was feeling quite smug, as I felt his emotion push into me.

Zack pursed his lips, "you make no sense"

Castor scoffed quietly, "she makes perfect sense, you just aren't looking"

I walked towards Zack, and stood next to him, he was just as tall as Tae. We both looked out in front of us, and I flicked my wrist, the dust and dirt all in front us pushing up into the air, highlighting the wind currents.

"Watch how the currents move, air is so flexible, and stable. You could push it to the brink and it'll snap right back" I breathed out, and purposely bent one current, making it turn back on itself, blowing air at Zack.

I let it go, and it snapped right back to dancing in the wind with the other currents.

"Try it" I muttered.

Zack was being overly aggressive, as I could see the currents around me all spinning in different directions a second later.

"I know Air is viewed a big element. But I find it to be the most calm. It's always around us, even when we can't see it" I breathed out.

I turned to look at Robin, who was smiling gently looking at the currents in front of us that were still dancing with the light specks of dirt, "could you please give me some targets?"

"How many?" Robin asked.

I shrugged one shoulder, "five"

Hazel grinned at me before I looked back in front of me, letting Robin into my barrier rather than lowering it, I don't know why I hadn't ever thought of doing that before. I felt the warmth from Tae from an emotion I felt a lot, just love. There was nothing else that felt like it.

Elemental | KTH | ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz