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With a flick of my wrist, I sent tiny orb balls to light up the area around us, mainly so we could all see better. Tae was stretching out his neck, as they stood further away from one another in front of us, I settled on the ground, with Lily next to me.

"Ok, first one to touch. Play nicely" Hazel breathed out, and then counted them in.

Tae was out of sight just before the pool of fire was pushed towards him. Castor quickly pulled an earth wall around him, not sure in where Tae was and trying to protect himself. As he lowered it, we were all glancing around the open space around us, we couldn't even see where Tae was.

But I could sense him even without the barrier, because my magic knew him, he was behind us, a handful of feet away, just watching. I didn't turn around, but just smiled at Castor who was looking in front of him, just waiting.

"Can he turn invisible?" Zack breathed out.

I chuckled, "no"

I knew Tae had moved, because the shift behind me had gone. Castor caught it just in time, throwing out a sharp vine behind him. But Tae dodged it, standing about ten foot to Castor's left, just giving him a small smile.

"Oh fuck" Lucas muttered.

The vines snapped out again to try and grab at his ankles, but Tae jumped back gracefully even before they got close to him. Castor tried to block him in with earth walls covered in thick ice, but Tae once again moved out of the way just as the earth was being pulled out of the ground. Tae appeared right in front of Castor, just as he shot out some electric currents, but Tae had already placed his hand on Castor's shoulder.

Lucas was clapping, "yeah ok, I won't mess with you"

We all laughed, as Castor offered his hand to Tae to shake, which he took with a smile. He glanced over at me, and I gave him a warm smile, a smug feeling filling my chest. My barrier slapped back down on him, welcoming him back home.

"How many Elementals do you think you could take, Taehyung?" Zack asked quickly as they walked slowly over to us.

Tae pursed his lips, "it's hard to tell if I'm honest"

Lucas glanced at Zack, who was grinning at Tae, "what about all of us? I just want to see how far you can go"

"We will end up burning the place down" Hazel breathed out.

Lucas chuckled lightly.

Castor looked over to me, "tell you what I would be interested to see, is Verity and Taehyung going against one another. Of course if you are both comfortable with it, I know that you are the most successful partnering of our time"

Tae looked over at me, and raised one eyebrow.

I tutted, "that's not fair, he knows how I use the elements"

"Think of it a training exercise" Tae offered.

"Oh so you do want to fight me? I'm hurt" I teased.

Everyone laughed. I stood up, giving a heavy breath out, "fine, but I'm fully expecting to loose"

Tae patted me on the shoulder as we walked ahead, and split up. We were grinning at one another, as Hazel counted us in, as I slipped the barrier away once more.

He didn't move, as he was still stood there, just grinning at me.

I thought to my elements, Tae knew that I used earth the most, so I wanted to try and stay away from that. I would use it to defend myself mainly. I shook out my fingers, and as I done so, the magic seemed to seep into them. He moved, making me throw up an ice wall all around me out of panic. I chuckled at myself, as I saw his blurring silhouette right in front of me, the other side of the wall.

Elemental | KTH | ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt