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"Go and pack a small rucksack, you have ten minutes" Olive said quickly, raising her eyebrows.

Miss Elida glanced at me, looking a bit startled.

As I got back to my bedroom, Alice was sat up in bed. She looked up at me quickly and gave me a deep breath and a relived sigh.

But then she saw my expression.

I spilled out the whole conversation, pausing to collect my thoughts. Half way through, I started packing everything I knew I would need, into the largest green rucksack I had, while still quickly getting Alice up to date.

"What the fuck?" Alice breathed out, looking shocked with her eyebrows raised.

"I don't have a choice really do I? I mean Keepers of the Realms doesn't sound like it's anything negative does it?" I muttered to her as I went into the bathroom, with the bag.

"Well no, but it just sounds a little... scary" she said quietly at the end.

I sighed, pausing with my shampoo and conditioner in my hand, Alice was right.

I was terrified because it was the unknown, and nothing like I would have ever experienced before, I was guessing.

"Be careful alright? I'll miss you" Alice sighed, kneeling up on her bed as I went over and we gave each other a hug.

"I'll miss you too" I muttered, quickly throwing on a fresh long dark blue jumper, over my black tights.

My heart ached as I gave her a smile before shutting the door a few minutes later.

Olive and Marcus were waiting by the car, and it surprised me that Miss Elida wasn't here, not that it concerned me.

After a few minutes of driving, I noticed we were going down a dirt track, and then I raised my eyebrows as I heard the sound of a helicopter, and then I saw it appear behind the trees on our left.

Olive took my bag to pass it to another man that was on board, there was only the two men, and the two pilots. I was strapped in and secured, before Marcus passed me a headset, which did wonders to hide the sound of the helicopter. I could sense that the pilot was a Vampire.

I knew I was little shocked, but it was interesting and beautiful to see the views from the helicopter. I wasn't sure how long we were in it, but we landed near a very large opening in the forest.

Olive helped me out and we waited until the helicopter took off again, to begin walking further into thick line of trees in front of us.

I could feel it, before I understood what it even was. There was such a barrier in front of me, that I halted in walking any further.

Olive and Marcus looked down at me, and she raised one eyebrow, "can you feel it, Verity?"

I nodded slowly.

"That's in the Hold, it protects the portal from any non magical beings. If a human was to wonder this far away from the portal, they wouldn't be able to get any further," she paused and reached out with her hand, and as she done so a wave of shimmer blue light radiated from the ground, shooting right up and far as my eyes could see, "than that"

Hesitantly, I took two steps forward and slowly put my hand through the Hold.

I could feel the magic resting around my skin, as my arm went through it. As I looked back, both Marcus and Olive gave me a small smile.

I followed them as they entered through it, letting the Hold guide me through, and the magic was over my skin in one swift movement. And then I knew right away onto what was here, I could feel the build up of the powerful magic in just one place.

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