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The following morning, Tae asked the Commander right after breakfast, and was back in time for the bonding session, and gave me a small nod of his head, letting me know that the Commander was asking the Queen of Caligo for permission.

"This common courtesy shit just sounds like control" I breathed out during lunch time, as we spoke quietly.

Tae slowly smiled, as he chewed his mouthful, and raised his eyebrows quickly at me.

Practise went fine, I noticed how Marcus, who had came back from another base, was training the Vampires harder. It was nice to sit back at watched, as the Commander let us also see what he was making the others see. Tae never failed to amaze me, as he was visually faster than the others, and a lot more focused, so in-tuned with his senses.

By the time came for a shower in the evening, mainly because Tae needed one from working up a sweat earlier, but he wanted me to join him.

We had waited until Hazel, and Hobi had gone to bed, matching along with Lily and Yoongi.

But as we went to leave the room, both together because in this moment, we realised that the last remaining people of our group, knew about us, and our secret.

"Make good choices" Jimin called out, making us pause in walking, both laughing hard already, joining with the other loud laughs in the room.

Tae swung an arm around my shoulder, bringing me into his side as we carried on walking, still lightly chuckling.

In the shower, both of us had washed, and it ended with Tae behind me, pressing his chest into my back. I felt his hand travel up my skin on my waist, travelling upwards to cup around at my breast, and rolled his thumb and index over my nipple.

I hissed in a quick breath, as he arched his hips forwards, pressing his hard on into my side. I brought my hand up, as I turned my head to look up at him. His eyes were soft, but so intense at the same time.

Tae lowered his lips onto mine, both of us breathing heavily already out of noses. His other hand moved around, dipping in between my legs. I jolted, feeling his fingers against me. within a second.

I whimpered slightly into his mouth, making his hand leave my breast, to travel back down to my hip, and gripped me, guiding me onto arching my ass out into him.

Both of my hands went to grip at Tae's wrists as he placed them on my hips, after he guided his cock inside of me.

After a full minute of him slowly thrusting in, building me up even more from the anticipation, one of his hands slowly moved away from my hip, making my rest my hand on my chest. He gripped at my neck, pushing his thumb on my jaw to make me turn my head.

We looked at one another, before he gave one deep thrust, making me push out a breath. He then began going harder, making glance back down at the ground, my eyes shutting briefly.

I whimpered, as he moaned behind me.

I was already building, the feeling deep inside was tightening, and then I felt Tae's lips along my neck as he leant down. I gasped in as I felt his bite, harder than what he would normally do it, before the feeling spread from my neck, shooting right down into my groin.

"Oh fuck" I mouthed as I breathed deeply in through my mouth.

My legs nearly gave away, before Tae's hands shot down to grip around my waist, folding over my stomach.

The feeling went away, but I still felt quite light headed, in more ways than one.

Tae turned me in his arms, pressing me into him, letting me breathe through it, leaning against his chest. The water running down my back was really nice, as I could hear Tae's heart beat against my ear.

"Did I take too much? I swear I didn't" Tae breathed out a handful of seconds later.

I shook my head, "no, you just nearly broke my mind and body"

Tae laughed, giving me that large boxy smile, as he looked down at me.

I couldn't help but smile at him.

By the time it was Friday, we still hadn't heard anything from the Queen. Tae bit the bullet and rang his Mother, going over to his room to do it during lunch time.

Just as I finished, he came back downstairs and came over to my side, "go get ready. My Mother said the Queen will only see us mid afternoon, before she has business to attend to for the weekend"

I scowled slightly, "great"

Tae breathed a smile as he rolled his eyes, "I'm going to tell the Commander that we need to go, and get a car ok?"

I nodded, "will meet you in the car park"

I quickly got changed into fresh clothes, making sure I looked somewhat decent, before getting a small rucksack for our waters, and a book for myself. I grabbed some snacks and fruit for Tae, since he didn't eat lunch.

Tae was leaning back against the black car, watching me walk nearer to him. With a smile he turned and got into the car, just as I got closer to him, and we both got comfortable as Tae fiddled with the mirrors.

"I need you to try something for me, baby" Tae breathed out after about an hour, as I was passed him food and reading some of my book as Tae listened to music.

"Sure" I said, squeezing his hand in mine.

"You know you can make it so I'm the only one who can smell your scent? Could you do that for others, so they couldn't smell my scent on you?" He quickly asked.

I burrowed my eyebrows, "I'll have to try it. I have no idea if I can"

"No pressure baby, it was just a passing thought and I just wondered" he breathed out.

I nodded, and leant back into the chair, letting myself relax as I tried to visualise my barrier once again. I knew the part onto where I pulled at so only Tae could have my scent, but that was more connected to Tae than anything.

I gave a long sigh. Maybe it would be something I could only do with each person, having to have them around me for it to happen. That's how I mostly learnt if I could do things, it was a lot easier.

"I think I have to be around them, just like you are now. That's how I still hide my magical core, which I always do. But with you, I edit myself almost, just so you solely have my scent. I would be able to need to edit it with the other person also" I muttered out slowly.

Tae nodded, "I get it, maybe play around with our barrier to see if you can do it?"

I pursed my lips, good idea.

Our barrier, was something I knew like the back of my hand, I never needed to think into it, I just pulled at it right away for it to happen. I pulled my scent away from him, making my sulk, poking out his bottom lip, and I smiled.

I narrowed my eyes at his profile as he drove, concentrating.

Within a few moments I pulled at the part of me that was protecting my scent from Tae, and dragged away the brightest part that was almost glowing.

Tae glanced over to me, "I'm not entirely sure because I can't smell myself on you, but you definitely did something then. Can I have you back now please?"

With a small grin, I done as he asked.

"That's better" he gave me a boxy smile back.


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