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We went back downstairs for dinner, Tae grumbling at me quietly as I masked my scent once more. Hobi and Lily were talking as we all ate, it was nice to hear Elle's name, being spoken about fondly.

Afterwards, Tae pulled me in the direction of the library, where I knew Joonie already was because I had only just seen him walk in here a few seconds ago.

He shut the door behind him as Joonie smiled at the both of us.

"Joonie, I need some help" Tae breathed out as I sat on one of the sofa's.

Joon nodded, putting his book down that he had in his hand, on the desk next to him. Tae glanced at me before leaning back against the door, taking a deep breath.

"I don't know if this anything to do with the blood caller, or the magic's desire, but I'm needing to feed already. I only fed last night. You know I can go up to two weeks... granted I've been feeding more since Veri's been here, but that's mainly so I'm fully in control around her" he breathed out.

Joonie creased his eyebrows together, as we let him think. He glanced between us, "let me skim through that book again, the one where I first told you about, with the Fairy and Vampire marriage"

Tae nodded, and came over to me as Joonie went over to the bookcase, bending down to grab the book.

I smiled at Tae as he bent down, putting his hands on my knees. I reached up with my hand and cupped at his chin, rubbing my hand along his jaw.

Tae glanced to the door, and a few seconds later, Jin walked in. He closed the door behind him, seeing how Tae and I were being affectionate with one another.

Jin asked Joonie what he was doing, seeing him nose deep in the book, flicking through pages. Tae repeated to Jin, what he had just said. I watched as Jin took a deep breath, looking at me after a handful of seconds.

"You as well as I know what the answer is going to be, Tae" Jin breathed out.

Tae tensed his jaw, as he came and sat next to me.

"Can't he just increase his feedings?" I wondered.

"If he's only lasting twelve hours, on one feed, that's honestly not good. Especially for an ancient blood line" Jin said quietly, looking at me.

I sighed.

"Ah" Joonie interrupted us, as he glanced at us.

We all looked over at him.

"He's talking about when he tried to not feed from her. But he didn't want to feed from her, from the fear of killing her. He said the pull was impossible to ignore, no matter what he tried. He increased his feedings, but that didn't sustain his thirst at all. He started getting out of control... before his wife offered herself, giving him no alternative. It was either that or he would have ended up starving, or loosing control" Joonie muttered out, looking up at us.

All of us were quiet, as I just stared at the coffee table in front of us.

I knew it would be inevitable.

Tae sighed, leaning forward to put his head in his hands. I put my hand on the small of his back, rubbing lightly.

"I'm surprised that you haven't fed from her already" Jin said, shrugging one shoulder as we both looked over at him.

"It's with great difficulty" Tae mumbled.

I breathed out a smile, before I looked over at Jin, "it's mainly me. I don't want him to be burdened with just feeding on Fairies"

"It wouldn't be multiple Fairies, Veri. It would just be you" Joon breathed out.

I nodded, "I know that. But... in the scenario if I'm not around, he still would have to"

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