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Mentally, I was quite tired. I was the first to say I was going to bed, in the evening as everyone called out goodnight to me.

Tae gave me a wink as I looked back at him before walking around the corner.

I was certainly very nearly asleep by the time he came to my bedroom, even though it was only about twenty minutes later.

I yawned as I watched him strip off, and came into my open arms as he leant on top of me, his head on my breasts as I ran my fingers through his fluffy hair.

"I'm proud of you" he breathed out.

I smiled, and leant my head down to kiss the top of his head.

The next morning, the Commander had called me to see him after breakfast.

"You done really well yesterday. I'm very happy with it, and Taehyung's reactions are faultless, as I made sure to test him also. You are free to go to Earth's town whenever you choose, obviously only if Taehyung is with you, ok?" He breathed out.

I smiled, "thank you, Sir"

I told Tae as soon as I re grouped with the young Keepers.

Tae moved closer to me, "then we will make the most of it, I'll take you out for dinner on Saturday"

I smiled, wanting to curl myself into him as we sat on the grass, but I squeezed his hand instead as we settled down, and I closed my eyes.

And on Saturday, the second we were done training, I went and got ready. I didn't want to go over the top, to draw attention onto why I would be dressed up, so I dressed in high waisted jeans, with my white t-shirt tucked in, with a cosy cardigan.

Tae smiled at me as he saw me come into the common room, he was the only one there.

"You look beautiful, baby. Let's go" he breathed out.

As soon as we were pass the barrier, he took my hand and drifted his lips along my knuckles as we walked.

"How long if we walked?" I asked.

He shrugged one shoulder, "three hours maybe"

"I don't mind, it's nice to just be out. But do you think the Commander would give us a car if we done this more often?" I wondered.

Tae pursed his lips, "I've never thought to ask, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Elle and Lily take a car when Elle visits her parents, but they live quite far away"

I nodded, and glanced around me. It was so peaceful.

The walk was great, as we talked and held hands the whole way. Tae shown me the trail he normally ran, but we kept to more open areas so I could see more.

We started to break away from the forest, and I started seeing the town get closer, since we were coming down from a hill.

"So there's a mall here if you wanted to look around? I'll get you whatever you pick up" Tae breathed out.

I gave him a smile and squeezed his hand, "I don't need anything. Thank you though"

He glanced down at me, "I want to get you something. A bracelet?"

"You can choose it, if you want to get me something" I smiled.

He nodded, and tugged me closer to him so he could rest his arm over my shoulder as we walked. The town was busy, with families passing by us and young teenagers.

"Are there any Keepers here?" I wondered as we made our way to the largest building, which I assumed to be the mall.

Tae shook his head, "no, they are spread more that way, since the Headquarters are so close" and he pointed away from the town, in the opposite direction.

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