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I stared at the three creatures in front of me.

Should I kill them?

I didn't have time to debate with myself, as not even a minute later, I sensed Olive, as she appeared by my side.

She cursed under her breath, looking ahead of me. Did the Commander set off an alert or something? I knew Olive would be faster, obviously since she was a Vampire.

"When?" She breathed out. Adjusting her clothes, and tying her hair up with a hair band on her wrist.

I then felt the Commander, as I heard him jump over the lake.

"A few minutes ago. The middle one showed first, and then the other two" I said once Commander Asher went the other side of Olive.

"Well done for using the barrier to tell me" he breathed out, looking at situation in front of us.

I nodded.

I could tell that Olive was waiting for Commander to figure out onto what to do, but he quickly spoke after a few seconds.

"Kill them, Verity" he said in deep tone of voice.

My eyes widened slightly, but then took the challenge on very quickly as I turned to look at the three, now pacing creatures in front of us. They snarled at each other, when they would pass by one another.

As I raised both hands upwards slowly, earth mounds the size of a fist that I quickly froze from the moisture in the dirt, shot at the Haunter on the left, while vines shot out from the trees to clasp on the other two, since they quickly screeched at what was happening. Then I began crushing them from the vines, as they seeped around their long limbs.

Once the first creature fell to the floor, I sent out a trail of fire, that set all three alight. I closed my hands into balls, and the fire intensified, making all three of the Haunters crumbled to the floor, all screeching which ended after a few seconds.

The Commander turned to look at me, with raised eyebrows.

Then, all three of us quickly shot our heads in front of us.

A screech, echoed towards us. Olive done a large sigh, "there's so many"

I pursed my lips, my heart sinking in my chest. I heard the large exhale of breath from the Commander, "Verity, wake all your group"

"Yes sir" I quickly breathed out, turning and began running.

I went to the Vampires first, knowing they would be the quickest. With the air around me, I pushed into every door down the hallway as I got to the top of the stairs, slamming them open with a gush of wind.

Jin was the first into the hallway, glancing down the hallway before looking at me. He was only in loose bottoms, as he looked at me curiously.

"Haunters" was all I muttered, before turning around and going back down the stairs.

I heard him shouting, waking up the others.

I done the same for my hallway, keeping my door shut. Jimin yelled out, as I made him jump out of sleep. Hobi ran into the hallway, skidding as he saw me standing in front of my door, looking down at Jimin as he rubbed his eyes.

"Haunters" was all I said, before within a second Jimin had jumped out of bed. Hobi ran back into his room, and with a gush of wind, I shut Jimin's door. I could feel Tae on the other side, he was already getting changed, I knew I would have woken him up from the doors slamming open.

I quickly went in my bedroom, seeing Tae pulling his top over his head, "where did you go?"

"I was by the stream, when I heard them. I alerted the Commander, who told me to kill the three of them, and then we heard more" I quickly breathed out.

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