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I walked over to Hazel and offered my hand for her to stand up, and she gave me a small smile as I tugged her up, "sometimes it doesn't work right away, don't worry. You'll do great"

"It's hard work, that's for sure" she breathed out.

"I found it was easier, rather than pulling your barrier away from yourself, try encourage it to expand, to made it bigger. Then it'll cling to Lily, the more you trust her" I said as the others walked ahead.

She smiled up at me, "I'm going to go catch my Dad, before he goes"

I nodded, and caught up to Tae who was hanging at the back of the group, glancing over his shoulder to me. He had barely said one word these past few hours, and I knew it was getting to him slightly.

"It's ok" I muttered out quietly, just loud enough for him to hear.

He nodded slowly, taking in a deep breath.

We spent the rest of the day, in the common room with Hazel. Lily and her were quietly talking on the sofa opposite us, as it was getting quite late. It was normally around this time, that I would disappear for the night.

"What time does everyone normally get up?" Hazel asked Lily.

Lily glanced over to me, and the other Fairies, since she was the one that got up quite late.

"We all normally make it down here in time for breakfast, at nine in the morning. It doesn't matter what time you choose to get up" I offered.

Hazel grinned at me, "and that's every day?"

I nodded, looking slightly confused.

"My maids used to get me up at seven every day, apart from Sundays. That's great, I can actually sleep for once" she smiled.

Tae glanced at me in the corner of my eye, and I had to keep my eyes fixed on Hazel, knowing she was still looking at me, "just keep an eye out for Jimin, he has a habit of walking half naked to the bathroom at about eight"

We all laughed, and Jimin leant over to me to push my shoulder from being behind us.

"I'll set my alarm for about half eight, then" Hazel chuckled back.

I could feel the relief coming from Tae through his mood.

We all started splitting up, and Hazel went right into her bedroom, as I shut my door. Thankfully, Joon's room was still in between mine and hers.

I got changed into a large t-shirt, and sat on my bed. I wondered if Tae would come, and hoped that he would. And just as I was thinking about it, my bedroom door opened quietly as I felt him on the other side.

I grinned at him, as he launched himself onto the bed, making me giggle as I wrapped my arms around him, since his head was laying on my breasts, "well that was fucking torture"

I rubbed my hand up and down his back, "it wasn't that bad. We've just got to not touch, and we can do that"

He grumbled at himself, moving to the side of me, keeping an arm wrapped around my waist.

"The King seemed fond of you" he breathed out.

I nodded, "he's actually ok, I don't know why I was expecting something different"

"I've heard that he is a good King, quite caring. Our Queen is a lot more... political. And cold" Tae breathed out.

I pursed my lips. We talked for a while longer before Tae stripped, and pulled me back against his chest as wrapped both arms around me, one going underneath my neck. I smiled and kissed his bicep, and shut my eyes.

I heard Tae's alarm go off, and I rolled over as he let go off me, doing a yawn, "I'll meet you in the shower, baby"

I felt his hand brush over my cheek, and I smiled sleepily.

As I entered the shower, two hours later, I wondered idly if this was a good idea doing this when we knew Hazel would be getting up soon.

And just on time like usual, just as I began washing myself, Tae came in through the cubicle door. He smiled at me, pulling off his clothes quickly, and joining me under the large square shower head.

He trailed kisses down my shoulder, and we were quiet as he washed his hair, I let my eyes wander over his broad shoulders, and narrow waist. He flicked his hair back, exposing his forehead at me as he looked down at me, giving me a small smirk.

I watched Tae raise his hand, and cup at the back of my neck, leaning down so his forehead rested against mine. I smiled as I leant up, pressing my lips to his.

After a minute, he pulled away from our embrace to look at me, "can I feed, please baby?"

I couldn't help but smile from how formal that sounded, "you don't need to ask, just nip me first so I know you will be doing it"

"Nip?" He teased.

I grinned.

"Just enough for you react to, hmm?" He breathed out, before trailing down my neck one more.

I wrapped my arms around his wet back, feeling the water spraying onto my fingers.

He tightened his grip around me, pulling me deeper into him, my breasts pushing up against his chest. Then I felt his teeth graze along me, along with his tongue. I inhaled deeply when I felt them bite down, releasing after a second and I blew out my breath I was holding in. Then the cool feeling came, shooting off warm tingles down my body.

Suddenly Tae's hand covered my mouth, as he pulled away from me.

I looked up at him, seeing the pure white streaks in his jet black eyes filter away. Blood was covering his bottom lip, as his lips were parted.

The bathroom door opened, "is that you, Veri?" Hazel called.

My eyes widened briefly, and Tae removed his hand, and licked his bottom lip.

"Yeah. Did you sleep well?" I asked, trying to sound very monotone.

"Really good, have I missed Jimin?" She said, and I could hear the smile in her voice.

"No, you haven't" I heard Jimin say as he opened the door, Tae had to cover his own mouth, but I could tell by his eyes that he was smiling.

Hazel was quiet, and I realized that Jimin was most likely in just a towel, that was around his waist.

"Jimin, put clothes on" I breathed out quickly.

"Veri, I'm going for a shower" he replied and I could hear the teasing tone of voice. I heard him walking towards a cubicle, as another one locked, from Hazel.

We were all quiet once again, and Tae and I separated, before he went and got completely dried and changed, in the corner of the cubicle, while I turned the shower off, and wrapped the towel around my chest. I grabbed my stuff and Tae pressed his lips to my forehead before he leant over and unlocked the cubicle door.

"See you both downstairs" I called before letting the bathroom shut behind me.


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