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I gasped as I saw how quickly Tae kicked at the chest of the guard on our right. The other guard charged as his associate slammed into one of the pillars, a crack echoing around us, making Tae move faster than him while the other was down, pausing as he healed. I grimaced slightly as Tae dodged the punch, and quickly wrapped both hands around the guards neck, he fell to the floor as Tae jumped, using the weight to throw him down. Tae ripped apart his neck, and before I had a chance to look away from the gruesome scene, my eyes widened as the other guard appeared in front of me.

In a panic, I shot out my magic as my hands clasped into fists, tiny electric bolts shot out, making him jolt just as he reached out for me, his lips baring over his teeth. His eyes started rolling back just as I saw Tae's face appear almost like a shadow over the left shoulder of the guard. His large hand clasped on the guard's helmet, and I felt my bolts touch at Tae, but I didn't expect it to do anything, as I knew the barrier would protect him. But they fled into him, almost giving him an extra burst of adrenaline.

Tae bared his teeth and bit down on the guards neck, and I scowled as the man screamed, before his torso jolted, my magic drifted away seeing how Tae threw his heart away to my right.

His hand pushed the body to the side before it fell forward onto me, and then took a long breath, looking down at me. I smiled slightly, before he turned back around with the wild stare he had.

It was quiet, long enough for me to start panicking again, how would we get out of here?

"Leave" the Queen breathed out, glaring at us.

I rose my eyebrows, but Tae moved right away, making me turn as he grabbed my wrist. He quickly opened the door, shutting it behind him after we went through them. I narrowed my eyes realising the two guards from earlier, weren't here. Tae guided me by putting his hand on the small of my back, both of us walking fast. I tensed slightly as we passed some other guards, Tae did also as I felt his hand gripping my jumper slightly.

He waved to his friend, still breathing heavily and put on a forced smile, as we drove through the gate. Neither one of us said anything as he drove all the way to the portal, and once again Tae guided the small of my back, grabbing more than anything. We were well aware that we were getting stared at, but I knew Tae couldn't risk not having hold of me being this close to other Vampires, that could get a phone call any moment if the Queen changed her mind.

Once we were back in Earth, and already started driving back to the base, it was only now Tae started to calm down, which I felt though his emotions.

He took a deep breath, leaning his head back on the head rest as he glanced down at the road, and I reached up with my hand to cup at side of his face, rubbing my thumb along his cheek bone. I watched as he pursed his lips, turning his head into my wrist, and giving it a gentle kiss. Then he turned the car onto the side slightly, the solid dirt track was just wide enough for two cars to pass, and I watched as he turned off the car, and looked at me.

With his arm he leant over, cupping me at the back of my neck, and pulled my lips to his. Our kiss was gentle, before he parted us and leant his forehead against mine.

"I can't wait until this evening. It completely drained me, having human blood and then having to kill four royal guards, that was hard work to keep control" he breathed out, as I felt his lips start to travel down my neck.

I reached over to put my hand on the curve of his neck, as he bent down. I felt his bite, just enough to make my heart skip a beat, before the feeling spread across body. I took a long breath, this was completely relaxing me, like I had no worries in the world, it melted away any tension in my body. After about ten seconds, he took a large breath in as he moved away from me. He went back to leaning our foreheads together, and I let a small smile appear on my lips, and I smoothed my hand down over his chest.

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