Chapter 28:Messages

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A/N:So I'm gonna do this one a bit different. It's not gonna be in anybody's POV. But I'm gonna do like a messages thing. I hope you guys enjoy. I'll have two more chapters out here in a bit. I have a few ideas. They might be pretty short though. Onto the story. 

Texts Start Here:


Izuku:Can we talk? 

Katsuki:If I say no you're gonna do it anyway. 

Katsuki:So fine. What do you need?

Izuku:Someone's in a mood today. Anyway I found something you left at my house last night. 

Katsuki:It's not a mood if I just can't stand you. What exactly did you find?

Izuku:A very very very long letter. 

Izuku:25 attachments. 

Katsuki:Shit. Ignore that. You weren't supposed to read it. 

Izuku:Sorry. Not gonna ignore it. And I've now read it SEVERAL times. Why? Really. Because it always seems like you hate me. Yet here's this like forty page letter saying otherwise.

Katsuki:Look. I don't like saying that shit. Ends badly. But seriously just forget about it.

Izuku:I'm not going to. Something's telling me you wanted me to read this. Even if it wasn't the main thought you have about it. Nobody just carries around a letter explaining how they're in love with their enemy. Especially not to their enemy who their sleeping with's house. So don't give me that bullshit excuse about you didn't want me to read it. You didn't really come over last night to get your shit rocked did you? 

Katsuki:Hear me out before you start overthinking and shit. Alright? 


Katsuki:Yeah. I wrote that letter because whether you ever read it or not I had to tell you I was so in love with you that you're all I fucking think about. I don't know why I fell in love with you. It's not like I asked to be in love with you. But I can't help it and I don't exactly hate the fact that I am. No I wasn't over there to get bent over your kitchen table and railed like there's no fucking tomorrow. It just happened because I chickened out and didn't give you the letter. Then one thing led to another and before I could we were tearing each others' clothes off and making out. It must've fallen out of my pocket by the time my clothes hit the floor. One way or another you read it. Now you know. But I don't know what the fuck to do with whatever feelings I have for you because for the first time in my life I don't have any fucking control over them. Believe it or not it's fucking terrifying being in love with you. Because one minute I want to slap you for being a dumbass and the next I want you to slam me against the wall and kiss me like that's the only way you're ever gonna breathe. I have no fucking idea what to do now. I hadn't thought that far ahead for once. I figured it'd be less confusing once you read the letter. But it's not. Because yeah you read it but I wasn't there when you did. And because I don't know what you feel. Not entirely sure I want to either. Not because if you feel the same way I'd be mad about it or anything. But because if you don't I think I'd die. 

Katsuki:But please if you don't feel the same just toss that or give it back or whatever. Just so at the least you don't have to say it to my face.

Katsuki:You can say whatever. 


Izuku:I had no idea. 

Izuku:Call me real quick.

Texts End Here

Call Starts Here:


Izuku:I just needed you to be able to hear me when I said this, I love you too. I don't know what you want to do with that. Which is fine. Take your time. But I figure if you can hear me say it it'll make it a little easier. 

Katsuki:I- Izu... Fuck. Why do you have to be so goddamn perfect for me? Okay. Just- Meet me at my place in an hour. We need to talk where I can see you. 

Izuku:Okay. Be over in a minute. And it's cute that you think I'm perfect for you. 

Katsuki:Don't call me cute. And you are. 

Izuku:See you in a minute.


Call Ends Here

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