Chapter 27:"Platonic" Cuddles

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Izuku's POV:

Lately Katsuki's been acting really fucking weird. Like today he called and asked if he could come over and get cuddles. Which given I thought he hated my entire existence is really weird for him. But because I won't lie I've wanted to hold him I couldn't say no. I don't think he means it in a romantic way or anything. Sometimes people just need it. I don't know. I'm just a bit curious as to why me. He has plenty of friends. I don't think he considers me his friend by any means. I'll take whatever I can get at this point. 

I'm just sitting on my couch waiting for him to get here. He said he'd be over in a few minutes when we got off the phone. That was only like five minutes ago so he should be here any minute. I just scroll through social media on my phone while I wait. After about ten minutes of that someone knocks on my door. I get up and slip my phone in my pocket. I go answer my door. Katsuki's standing there looking way too nervous for it not to be concerning. 

"What's going on?"I ask. 

"It's nothing."

"Uh huh. You've very clearly been pacing for like ten minutes and you look nervous as hell. On top of that you actually asked me to hold you. There's gotta be something going on."

"Can you just hold me and ignore all this?"

"I can definitely do that first part. But it's already in my head so you know it's not gonna leave until I figure out what's going on."


I step out of the doorway and he comes in. I shut and lock the door behind him. I go over to the couch and sit down with my legs out in front of me. He comes over and lays on my legs and chest facing me and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around him. He closes his eyes and just enjoys it. 

"I needed this."He says almost too quietly for me to hear. 

"Me too."

"Since I know you're thinking about it, I need this because I'm touch starved."

"I know why you need it. I'm just curious as to why me. You don't like me at all. Like I'm 99.9% sure you hate me with everything you've got. You have other friends who would no doubt hold you if you asked them to."

"Don't take this out of context because I know you're going to. But I want you to do it because no matter what I do anytime I need someone to hold me or hell even anytime I need to get off my mind goes to you before it goes to anyone else. For some reason that's not a bad thing. I kind of love it to be completely honest. I don't know what it is about you but I can't think of anyone else."

"I know you said don't take it out of context but that sounds like you're in love with me. Just saying."

"So what if I am? It's not like you even minorly feel the same. Even if you did it'd end in a fucking dumpster fire of a breakup. I can't have that."

"So this isn't platonic is it?"

"You can't really be that clueless."

"Oh trust me I'm not. I just would rather hear it from you than assume."

"No it's not platonic. Never has been never will be. But I just don't want to start something that has a 75% chance of us hating each other after."

"That's still a 25% chance that it'll work."

"A 25% chance I don't know if we should take."

"You'll never know if you don't try."

"I can't lose you okay? It kill me."

"You're not gonna lose me. If you haven't noticed yet you and I are constantly gravitating around each other no mater what we do. Maybe there's a reason for it."

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