Chapter 14:Late night call

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Izuku's POV:

I lay in bed staring at my ceiling. It's about midnight. I pick up my phone. Without even thinking about it I just dial Katsuki's number. At this point it's just a habit. 

Call Starts Here:

Katsuki:Baby it's fucking midnight. Go to bed.

Izuku:I know I know. I just can't sleep. It's weird being alone when you were here for so long. 

Katsuki:I'll be home Saturday. But you have to go to bed. 

Izuku:I can't sleep when you're not in bed with me. 

Katsuki:Have you tried?

Izuk:I've been trying since like eight.

Katsuki:Jesus christ. 

Izuku:Can we just talk? Even if I can't hold you it might help if I can hear your voice. 

Katsuki:Might help us both honestly. I can't fucking sleep either. 

Izuku:Is that a yes then?



Katsuki:I hate being so far from home. Even if it's just for a few weeks. I'm tired, horny and touch starved. 

Izuku:I hate it when you're gone too. If you weren't in another country I'd just go there and hold you. 

Katsuki:I'm gonna fucking tackle you when you get home. I need my husband. Like in more ways than one right now. 

Izuku:Please do. I miss you. 

Katsuki:I miss you too. I have to get on a plane in like 5 hours. 

Izuku:I forget how long the flight is from there back here. 

Katsuki:Yeah. It's weird moving to America. 

Izuku:Definitely. But I'm glad we did. It's actually legal for us to be married here. 

Katsuki:And for us to y'know have sex. 

Izuku:Damn right. 

Katsuki:But really though. I just wanna go home to you like right now. I don't wanna wait two fucking days to get to kiss you again. 

Izuku:I want you to come home right now too. But sadly that's not how that works. 

Katsuki:I know. I want you now though.

Izuku:Time will hopefully pass fast Puppy. 

Katsuki:I need it to. 

Izuku:Me too. How's it been over there besides missing me?

Katsuki:It's been fucking nuts. Shitty Hair's been all over me for some reason. Not in the sense that like he's being friendly either. It's annoying. But I don't think he's really gonna do anything. Doesn't make it less aggrevating. 

Izuku:I take it he still has a crush on you. 

Katsuki:Yeah. It's gotten more prominent too. As to why I wish you'd come with me. 

Izuku:I wish I could've. But I still have work. 

Katsuki:I know. 

Izuku:But if Kiri seriously won't back off just remind him that you're married. 

Katsuki:I try to. He still doesn't care. Like he's respectful, yeah. He just keeps flirting with me and shit.

Izuku:I'm sorry Puppy.

Katsuki:Not your fault. 

Izuku:But hey, you'll be back home in my arms soon. 

Katsuki:Good. I think I'm gonna commit a felony if I'm not. 

Izuku:Definitely don't do that. 

Katsuki:Because then I couldn't leave. Damn it.


Katsuki:I love you. 

Izuku:I love you too. 

Katsuki:How's everything been there?

Izuku:It's been pretty quiet. I've been working from home. Just because I don't feel like leaving the house all that much. 


Izuku:Not really. 

Katsuki:Just promise that you'll try and go do something before I get there. 

Izuku:I'll try. I might go walk downstairs and get a cup of coffee. 

Katsuki:Okay. I just don't like it when you hole up in the house like that. 

Izuku:I know you don't. 

Katsuki:I'm gonna go take a melatonin and see if I can go to sleep. Don't hang up though. It's easier to fall asleep to your voice. 

Izuku:I might do the same honestly. 

Katsuki:As long as you get sleep. 

Izuku:I'll try to. I did take this weekend off.

Katsuki:You already know we're gonna be in the sheets the whole time. 

Izuku:Damn right. 

I hear him smile at that. I get up and go take a melatonin. I hear him do the same. Then I go lay back down. I set my phone on my nightstand and put the call on speaker. 

"Hopefully this'll work well enough."He says. 

"Yeah. I'm not used to actually taking shit for sleep. Mostly because you're a better sleep aid than any pill I could take. But y'know."

"Me either. Oh yeah. I don't know if you noticed or not but I stole your hoodie when I was packing." 

"I figured you would."

"Smells like you."

"You enjoy that a lot. Just wearing my clothes because they smell like me."


"It's cute though."

We talk for another half an hour before actually falling asleep. 

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