Chapter 13:Help.

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Katsuki POV:

My phone starts ringing. It's like 3am. I just roll my eyes and answer it anyway. 

Call Starts Here:

Katsuki:Why are you calling at 3am?

Izuku:Because I need help. 

Katsuki:And you called me for that why?

Izuku:Just come over. Please.

Katsuki:Ugh. Fine. Your apartment better be on fucking fire. 

Izuku:Thank you Kacchan. 


Call Ends Here

I get up and go throw a hoodie on. I slip my phone in my pocket and walk to Deku's apartment across the hall. I knock on his door. It takes him a minute to answer. When he does he looks slightly nervous. 

"Why do you look like you're gonna fucking implode?"I ask. 

"Don't ask."

"Alright. What am I supposed to be doing?"

"Just come in."


He steps out of the doorway. I go inside. He shuts the door behind me. 

"What the fuck am I doing?"I ask. 

He just takes my hand in his and leads me to his room. I raise an eyebrow. 

"Deku-"I start. 

"You can leave if you want but can you just stay here with me tonight?"

"What are you on?"

"I'm just alone and I want you to fix that."

I just stand there in shock. 

"I- Deku- You- I thought- Holy shit."I stammer. 

"Can you stay?"

"Only because of how you asked."

"Thank you."


We lay down on his bed. He lays on his side and pulls me to him. I just tuck my head in his neck. He wraps his arms around me. 

"This shouldn't feel as good as it does."I say. 

"Maybe it should."

"I thought you didn't see me as anything but your friend."

"That's never been the case Kacchan."


"You really think I'd call you at 3am just to ask you to come over and let me hold you if I just saw you as a friend?"


He kisses the top of my head. I bite my lip. 

"What are we supposed to do with this?"I ask. 

"Well we can do this tonight then ignore it if you want or we can just get together. Stop acting like it's not what we want."

"Let's do that second option."

He smiles. 

"Fucking finally."He says. 

We quietly fall asleep. 

A/N:I know this one's a bit short. But I just figured I'd do a little short one that's just cute. Thank you for reading. 

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