Chapter 8:Secret Admirer? Nah.

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Izuku's POV:

The past few weeks I've been getting some very flirty texts from an unknown number. The only things I know about the person are that they're male, definitely blonde, they're submissive and they're my age. They won't give a name or anything. 

Texts Start Here:

Unknown:Hey sexy. I was wondering if we could talk?

Izuku:Depends about what. Do I get another detail now?

Unknown:You're really trying hard to figure out who I am aren't you?

Izuku:Given that you're literally the man of my dreams, yes. 

Unknown:Damn. Guess you'll just have to work me a little harder before I tell you who I am. 

Izuku:You really are a submissive. I can tell. 

Unknown:I prefer it. 

Izuku:Works for me. Can I at least get like initials or something?

Unknown:How about a place?


Unknown:Japan. A few blocks down from UA.

Izuku:Me too actually. Did you go to UA?


Izuku:Narrows it down a little. 

Unknown:Guess it does. Any guesses yet?


Unknown:Alright. Shoot. 

Izuku:You were in class 1A. I can tell by the way you talk. 


Izuku:Meaning you're either Denki Kaminari or my childhood best friend Katsuki Bakugou. I doubt it's the latter though. 

Unknown:Holy shit. You are good. 

Izuku:So you wanna tell me which one or do I need more details? 

Unknown:I'll give you one more detail today. 

Izuku:Good enough. 

Unknown:Explosion quirk. 



Izuku:You're- What?

Katsuki: Couldn't let you figure it out too easy now could I?

Izuku:Course not. You're into me?


Izuku:Can't say I saw that coming. 

Katsuki:And why's that?

Izuku:Because of how you act around me. 

Katsuki:Fuck. Fair enough. 

Izuku:I'm glad you are though. 

Katsuki:I can tell. But am I really the man of your dreams?

Izuku:Fuck yeah. Have you met yourself? 

Katsuki:I thought you were into IcyHot. 

Izuku:Not as much as I'm into you."

Katsuki:I- Fucking hell.

Izuku:I know it's a lot.

Katsuki:Meet me in the lobby for our apartment building.


Katsuki:I wanna see if you hold up as well in person as you do over the phone. 


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