35: Avengers(Family)

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Title: Chosen One
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Scott Lang
Warnings: none
Summary: reader is supposed to save the world after Thanos Snap, but when the Avengers go to see her things don't go as expected(this idea was taken from @jessbooks on TikTok and some of the lyrics are taken from her video and will be italicized)


"You sure this is the right address?" Scott asks wearily, looking up at the little house before us. Tony glares at him disapprovingly.

"Yes tiny, this is it," he mutters, shoving his phone in his pocket. "Let's go say hello." We all walk up together and I knock on the door lightly. I hear muffled footsteps and the door creaks open slowly.

"What do you want?"

"Nice to see you too y/n."

"Tony shut up." Natasha scolds, swatting at the billionaire. "Can't we visit an old friend y/n/n?"

"No, because I'm not your friend." The woman growls. "So I'll ask one more time. What do you want?"

"Can we come inside?" I ask, glancing around.

"Tell me what you want first."

"We need your help-"

"Oh no," y/n holds up a hand, cutting Bruce off. "Absolutely not. I'm not helping you with your superhero shit."

"What? Why not?!" Scott exclaims. She looks him up and down and he waves awkwardly. "Names Scott Lang. I'm ant-man." She nods, visibly confused.

"Nice to meet you... Scott." She responds slowly. "And I'm done helping you. I've been out in prison for saving lives, I'm not doing that anymore."

"The world needs you," I beg. "We need you." She rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"You say you need me like I give a shit!"

"Y/n, the whole worlds ending," Bruce tries.

"Honey it already did." Y/n turns her gaze to me and Tony. "You're not gonna slow it, heaven knows you tried. Got it, good now get inside." She ushers us in, looking past my shoulder. "You're drawing enough attention as it is." We take the chance and step in the small, blue house, glancing around. It's beautiful for its size, definitely fitting y/n's style. "You can uh, sit down I guess." She waves her hands and a y/f/c mist floats around, cabinet doors closing quickly. "I'll be right back."

The five of us spread out on one side of her living room as she runs up the stairs. Nat, Scott, and I take the smaller sofa while Tony and Bruce settle in the two armchairs on either side of the fireplace. Y/n rushes back downstairs, a door slamming shut behind her.

"Ok... um, what now?" She asks, settling on the large couch across from Tony and Bruce. I clear my throat and lean forward slightly.

"Well uh, how have you been?" Y/n just stares at me for a moment before glancing around.

"Good... good. Trying to keep a low profile. Just settle down." She gives a weak grin. "How about you Steve?"

"I'm great." I smile, trying to get her to warm up to us. This is never going to work if she doesn't trust us.

"Ok let's cut the crap, cause I didn't leave my wife and daughter behind for small talk." Tony sighs in annoyance.

"Tony, by all means, if you have something worth my time then now would be the time to share it." She snaps, rolling her eyes. "You're not the only one with a busy life."

"Yeah, busy hiding out here from reality?" He fires back.

"Tony..." I start, warningly.

"No!" He shouts, not once taking his eyes of y/n as they both stand to face each other. I launch off the couch, remembering how this ended last time. Tony lying bloody on the ground and y/n halfway across the country. "We've been fighting while you get to sit in comfort and pretend this isn't happening. HALF THE UNIVERSE FUCKING DIED." He yells. "And you're gonna sit here and do nothing?!"

"You aren't the only ones who lost!" She yells back. "The rest of us have been fighting just as hard for a normal life, except we don't have the money or tech or powers for all this."

"So why can't you at least try and help us get that back!" Stark is practically begging now. "We can help the world-"

"The world has been nothing but cruel to me. I won't give up my world for them, not after everything they did." Y/n speaks calmly, but the rage is still present.

"Y/n you live alone, in the middle of nowhere. What could you possibly have lost or have left to lose? We were all you had." Tony reasons.

"I had a life after you guys. Shocking, that temperamental y/n figured it out and settled down, but I did. I was married." She flicks her hand and a few framed pictures float out of the cabinets and onto the mantle. We turn to see wedding pictures and pictures of babies in hospitals. "I finally had my life together, a family of my own and now the love of my life is gone. So I can't risk losing what I have now. Not after that." Tears drip slowly down her face as she backs away from us.

"Mama?" A small voice calls. We all look towards the stairs to find two children hiding behind the wall.

"I thought I told you two to stay upstairs," y/n sighs, bending down to pick them up. The little girl and boy run into her arms and hug her tightly.

"We heard yelling." Her son whispers, cuddling into her neck. I smile a little as she turns back to us, remembering how often she spoke about wanting her own family.

"It's ok sweetie, my... friends were just leaving." Her kids lift their heads to look at us and her daughter beams.

"Are these the friends that you said would save us if we were in trouble?"

"Yeah, the superheroes!" The boy agrees.

"Yes, these are mama's superhero friends." Y/n chuckles. "Kids these are the Avengers, Avengers these are the twins. James and Maria." We lock eyes as she announces their names and I give her a nod and a smile. "Say goodbye now, we can't keep them long."

As we walk back to the car and settle in for the ride back to the compound Tony lets out a frustrated sigh.

"All that for nothing. I can't believe she won't help us."

"Can you blame her?" Natasha comments. "The world never was kind to her. People labeled her as a freak from the get-go and refused to admit they were wrong."

"She has kids Tony. You should understand that better than anyone." I add. "We can't expect her to drop everything for us."

"I know." He lowers his head. "I was just hoping she'd come back to us. We were her family you know."

"But we aren't anymore. She has her own family and we need to leave her alone..."

well... it's been quite a while since i last updated. i've been very busy lately but i'm trying to post more often. my new book should be up sometime in august, hopefully before my school starts back up again so stay tuned for that. i was also published on another website so if you want to check that out the link is under the conversations tab on my profile!


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