52: Dad!Loki Laufeyson(Just Like Me)

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Title: Just Like Me
Characters: Loki Laufeyson, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton
Warnings: mentions of violence and blood
Summary: AU where loki moves into the tower after the new york situation instead of being sent to asgard


"Must we spend all day here?" I ask my brother as he and his boyfriend lead me down the streets of New York. It's been a few months since the whole... situation but my punishments have been lighter since I was under mind control.

"Yes, brother. Bruce and I need new plants for our room and you need to get out more." Thor shakes his head at me and turns to the shy man beside him, pulling him into a flower shop. "What about some of these?!" Bruce sighs with a content smile and follows my daft brother into the small shop before he can break anything.

"I'll just be out here!" I call after them, leaning against the wall and glowering at the mortals walking around me. I pull out the cellphone Stark gave me and decide to text my brother that I'll be taking a walk.


I'm going for a walk

Brothers Boyfriend

My brother probably doesn't read his texts so tell him I'm going for a walk

I slip it back in my pocket and sulk around the alleyways, sighing in relief at the peaceful loneliness that envelopes me in the shadows. I watch the streets as I move quietly between the alleys, taking in the large metal city around me.

"Get back here!" I turn my head to see a young girl about the age of 6 or 7, trip and fall before me. She scrambles to her feet and looks behind her, running into the dead-end behind me. I look back to where she was coming from with furrowed brows to see a group of older boys following her into the alley. I look around for a moment and follow them silently, hiding in the shadows, watching to see what happens next.

"Where do you think you're going?" One of the boys asks as she attempts to escape, yanking her back by her collar. She yelps in pain as they throw her to the ground. "What? Gonna turn blue?" A crease forms between her brows and I can see the self-control threatening to snap as her skin seems to shimmer with magic.

"Look at this freak." They kick her and laugh, throwing rocks at her until she bleeds. Her skin glows a little brighter and I can just make out a hint of blue in the darkness of the alley.

And for some strange reason, it compels me to jump out and pull the boys away from her.

"Stop that at once!" I demand, moving to stand in front of the girl. I glance over my shoulder to see her cowering behind me and I turn back to face the boys, fear evident on their faces. "Get out of here before you regret ever speaking to her." They run away quickly after getting over their shock and I stand still for a few moments to make sure they don't come back before turning to face the child.

She whimpers and presses her back to the wall, skin still glowing blue. I cock my head at her curiously and kneel to be at her eye level.

"Please don't hurt me..." she whispers and I move back a little to give her some space. I feel tense but also... strangely warm inside.

"Don't worry. While I'm here, no harm shall come to you." I assure her quietly. "What's your name little one?" She sits up a little taller and studies me carefully before answering.

"My name is y/n. You have a funny way of speaking mister." I chuckle a little and put my hand out, palm up, leaving some space for her to make a decision.

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