9: Sam Wilson(Can't Help It)

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Title: Can't Help It
Characters: Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark , Pietro Maximoff
Warnings: passing out, mentions of violence and death
Summary: reader comes back from a difficult mission and has a tough time so Sam takes care of her


I sighed and felt my legs wobble as I landed down in the middle of nowhere. I desperately needed a break but if I took too long to get home, the team would worry and send a search mission and another mission was the last thing I needed. So despite my utter and overwhelming fatigue, I shoot up in the air again, flying towards home.

As I flew over the cities, teeming with life and light, I wondered what Sam was doing. I had been gone for a few days but normally he didn't start worrying until the first or last few hours. Was he sitting out front waiting for me? Was he trying to fall asleep without me? I just couldn't wait to see him again. Finally I began to see the light of the Avengers compound and lightly tapped on the comms piece in my ear.

"Agent Y/l/n?"

"Requesting entrance in south side of the compound."

"Security border opened. Welcome home y/n." Maria finished in a whisper. She knew how hard the last few days had been for me and I smiled at the cams around the gates of the compound, knowing she would see me. I floated down towards the ground and as soon as my feet hit the grass I could feel my body shake. I try to hold myself together so I can at least make it somewhere safe to fall, but as soon as I'm inside I can feel my body sway.

"Y/n! Come sit we're having a few drinks and I think you could use one!" Tony calls. I sigh a little before turning to them with a smile and sitting down. A few team members are sat around with drinks, talking and laughing. Sam sits beside me wrapping an arm around my shoulder and kissing my head. "Want a drink?"

"No I'll only stay a minute I need to shower."

"I conquer." Sam jokes and I punch his shoulder lightly as the team laughs. "I'm gonna finish this drink and then I'll be up ok?" I nod and kiss his cheek before pushing myself up off the couch. I manage to stumble a few steps towards the hallway before my body crumples to the floor, vision blurring. "Y/N!" I hear noises and people talking around me but it all begins to fade and then, everything goes black.

A day or two later...

"Hey babe?" Sam's voice is quiet through the dark.

"Mhm?" I mumble, turning in my sleep to face him, opening my eyes slightly.

"You sure you're feeling ok?" I nod and cuddle into his chest. He chuckles a little, wrapping his arms around me. "You know... if you want to talk about what happened. I'm here." I shrug sleepily and he hums. "Just get some rest, we can talk about it another time. Whenever you're ready."

"Morning y/n/n. Wilson." Bucky mutters, sipping a coffee. I'd normally roll my eyes but I don't even have the energy. I slump into a chair and let my head rest on the table. I hear a chair scrape beside me and feel a hand on my back.

"Rough night?" She asks.

"More like rough days." I mutter and Nat laughs.

"Maybe you should get some more rest." Sam suggests, sitting on my other side. I shrug sleepily again and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Coffee?" Bucky asks, pushing a mug towards me. I shake my head and fiddle with my hands. He raises his eyebrows and stares at me. "Ok are you sick? First you don't say anything to me and Sam when we fought this morning, then you slump down on the table and now you say NO to COFFEE?!" I keep shrugging and he scoffs.

"Maybe you are sick." Sam muses, pressing the back of his hand to my forehead. He pulls it away after a second and grabs my face, turning it to look at him. "Holy shit you're burning up. Come on we gotta get you back to Bruce."

"Please don't tell me she passed out again." Bruce groans when he sees us come in, Sam carrying me.

"So what if she did? More coffee for us." Tony chuckles.

"Not this time, she doesn't want any coffee." Tony's eyes widen in surprise and he bolts up.

"You're joking?"

"Nope. Not even a little. And she's really burning up." Bruce motions for Sam to lay me down and he does, sitting beside me and grabbing my hand, routine for my many checkups with Dr. Banner.

"Well you definitely have a fever." He states. "I'm gonna have to run a few tests but you just seem overly stressed and it's causing your body to react weirdly probably due to your powers."

"What do you mean due to my powers?"

"They're enhancements and it seems whatever chemical it is, is also enhancing your sickness." He explains. "I recommend bed rest and taking a break from work. Just relax and I'll get you some medicine." I nod and Sam picks me up again, gently.

"Don't worry I'll take good care of her doc."

Soon enough, Sam and I are in our shared room, me lying on top of him, cuddling into his chest. I shiver slightly and he rubs my back slowly.

"Can... can I tell you what happened?"

"Of course you can love. You can tell me anything. As much or as little as you want." He replies, pressing soft kisses to my head.

"I was there... in the building and Maria told me where the files were. I took down a few agents and followed routine... something happened. There... it was a set up. The files were hidden with a group of hostages. Sam there were kids there." He lets out a short breath and holds me a little tighter. "I tried to get them out, I tried so hard. But I couldn't do it. Some of them were grabbed and dragged by agents and others were... killed. They were just like me." I whisper out the last part and begin sobbing as Sam rocks me back and forth.

"Hey you did your best. You tried and it isn't your fault. No one blames you." I sob even harder and he sits up, pulling me to face him in his lap. "Look at me. You are amazing and brilliant and talented. You did your job and did your best to save everyone involved." I nod and he kisses me. "Now lay down here. I'm gonna go get ice cream, french fries and some y/f/d(your favorite drink). I'll be right back."

Sam's POV:

I kiss her one more time before stepping and out and once I'm a little ways down the hallway I look up.

"Hey FRIDAY? Can you keep an eye on y/n. Alert me if anything strange or concerning happens."

"Of course Mr. Wilson."

"Thanks." I take off down the halls again and finally reach the kitchen. "Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream."

"Hello bird man." I hear Pietro come in with a few other people as I pull out two tubs of y/f/f(your favorite flavor) ice cream. "What's with all the ice cream and drinks?"

"Speedy, y/n still isn't feeling well so I'm getting her some stuff. Could you actually run down to like a fast food place or something and get a bunch of fries?" He nods and takes off and I turn to look at Bucky and Nat.

"So... what happened?"

"There were kids on her mission. Kids like her and she feels guilty that she couldn't save them."

"Oh my god that's.. I can't even imagine..." Natasha says sitting down. "So you're getting food to make her feel better?"

"Basically." I nod. "I was just gonna lay with her and have someone else get it for us... but I wanted it done right. All her favorites in perfect condition just the way she likes them."

"Wow. That's actually kind of cute." Bucky admits, nodding his head.

"I... I can't help it. I look at her like that and... and I'd do anything to make her happy again. God I just love her so much." Natasha smiles at me and grabs my hand as Pietro runs back in with a large paper bag. "Thanks kid." I exclaim before I running back to our room to see my girl.


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