41: Pietro Maximoff(All Is Forgiven) *PART 3 TO BORED*

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Title: All Is Forgiven
Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova
Warnings: possible black widow spoilers and mentions of relapsing and self-harm
Summary: yelena moves into the compound post Endgame(everything that happens in this series happens after endgame except tony and nat are alive obviously)


Requested by InaWilliams5


"Hey guys, there's someone I want you to meet." I hear Natasha yell. I look at Pietro and he nods, understanding my unspoken words. He gets up and speeds out. Within minutes he's back and smiling at me.

"Come on love. I think you're going to want to meet her."

A few minutes later...

"And last but not least, Yelena... this is y/n." I smile at the blonde and she nods, studying me carefully. "Y/n could you show Yelena to the spare room?" I nod at her slowly.

"Yes, of course," I murmur. Nat heaves a sigh but smiles.

It'd been a week since my outburst and I had been slowly rejoining the team. We still weren't really on speaking terms, but I had been opening up and coming out of my room more.

I led Yelena silently down the hall to my old room and opened the door, following her inside, making sure she knew everything I was doing.

From what I had heard of Natasha's time in the Red Room, I knew Yelena was probably still on edge. She spoke of her sister occasionally and when she did I always listened, feeling horrible for the horrors the women in the Red Room were put through.

"This is your room now. It used to be mine." I smile reminiscing about my time here. "I lived here when I first moved into the tower."

"And uh... where do you live now?" Her accent is heavy when she speaks.

"My boyfriend and I live in his room now. I moved in a few years ago."

"Yes, the annoyingly fast Sokovian boy." She grumbled. I laugh, causing her to flush. "Sorry..."

"It's ok, he is very annoying." She smiles gently before her face hardens again.

"Um.. thank you."

"Of course..." I nod slowly and look down. "Well if you need me I'm down the hall or you can ask FRIDAY for me." She nods and I walk out smiling. "See you at dinner."

A few weeks later...

"Ms. Y/l/n, Ms. Belova is asking for you." I nod and get up, brushing my hands on my pants, unwrapping my hands.

"Thanks, FRIDAY, tell her I'm on my way." I hurry up the stairs, straightening my ponytail. I knock on her door three times and hear FRIDAY and her conversing.

"Come in!" I push the door open gently to find her sitting on her bed, facing the floor-length window wall on the left side of her room. "Hey, thanks for coming. I had a- I had a question for you and if it's too personal then-"

"Go ahead, give me your best." I grin, sitting in the chair beside her bed.

"A couple of weeks ago... when Natasha introduced me to everyone... she had a lot to say and everyone talked much more than you did. I asked FRIDAY and she said you 'used' to be close. I was just wondering..." she pauses for a moment and looks up at me.  "What happened between you two?" I sigh and smile slightly.

"When I first got here... I was a little like you. An ex-assassin, mind-controlled and working for the wrong people. Natasha saved me." I smile bigger. "She was- my best friend. But a few weeks ago, maybe a month... I won an art contest."

"You won an art contest and that's why you fell out?" She asks, flabbergasted.

"Kind of. I had been trying to show her, Steve, and Tony my new projects for WEEKS. And I thought since I won something they would pay attention." I look down sadly. "But they snapped at me and I- I relapsed." She nods slowly. "We just started talking again a few days ago but... it's been rough."

"You know she did that to me once? Left me behind and I- things got bad." I look up at her. "She found me again and I tried to kill her. I'd been brainwashed and just gotten out of it and she tried to sneak up on me. Then we went on some crazy mission, almost died-"

"Let me guess, she did that weird pose." I crouch on the floor, placing one palm flat on the ground, throwing one arm in the air, and looking up in mock drama. "She's such a poser."

"That's what I said!" We both laugh a little and I smile at the girl. We had opened up to each other the past few weeks, slowly becoming friends. It was nice to talk to someone. "But I- I forgave her. Because she is my sister, maybe not by blood. But in here-" Yelena places a hand over her heart. "-we are sisters. And I can tell you feel similarly."

"Yes," I murmur. "I do forgive her. It's just- it's hard to open back up once I shut down."

"I understand. But Natasha needs to know you forgive her. They all do." Yelena looks at me grimly. "She will hold it against herself. And I know you miss her. I see it on your face when you look at our family photos." She gestures to the many photos of her and Natasha along with their parents on the wall and I nod, tearily.

"I'll go talk to her."

"Natasha." The redhead turns to look at me, smiling wildly. Her excitement radiates through the room and she walks over to me.

"Hey, you ok?" I nod and smile.

"I need to talk to you. And Tony and Steve. It's important." She nods quickly and we run off to find the two men, who are conveniently arguing in the living room. "Both of you shut up. We need to talk." They sit down, grumbling about whatever argument they were having earlier and I sigh. "This hasn't been easy. The moving on, not talking, separation. But... I meant what I said that night."

The three of them share a look and I glance at my feet.

"You'll always be my family... and I forgive family. Always."

"Is this your way of telling us all is forgiven?" Tony asks quietly. I nod, smiling up at them. Steve pulls me into a tight hug and Tony ruffles my hair.

"We missed you kid."

"I missed you too."


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