18: Sam Wilson(Doing Better)

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Title: Doing Better
Characters: Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Sarah Wilson, John Walker, Lemar Hopskins
Warnings: abuse
Summary: after getting trapped in an abusive marriage with John, Sam and Bucky help reader leave and make a life for themselves(inspired by the lyrics to Me and My Husband)


"So y/n what's it like to be the wife of Captain America?" The reporter asks. I look up at the tv again and can feel Sarah watching me.

"Well... it uh... it's..." I see her glance at her arm and then John, noticing the tight grip he has on her. "Well me and my husband, we are doing great. It's always been just him and I, together." She puts on a clearly fake smile and John laughs.

"She really is the best woman and wife I could've asked for." He leans in to kiss y/n who hesitantly kisses back. I shut of the tv and stand up.

"Sam..." Sarah starts walking towards me. I ignore her and move to the counter, picking up my keys and heading outside. "Sam stop it!" She grabs my arm and I whip around.

"Stop what Sarah?!" I snap at her. My sister steps backwards a little and I look down. "I'm sorry I just... you saw what just happened."

"I know Sam. I know you love her and that... that's so incredibly fucked up but... maybe now isn't the best time." She walks a little closer and pulls me into a hug. I sigh into it. "Wait a little. Give her some time and maybe... I don't know... talk to Bucky about it?" She suggests. I scoff.

"Bucky probably already has his murder planned out if he saw that. There's no stopping Bucky." The two of us laugh a little and head inside. "I'll talk to him tomorrow. I have a mission with him and Torres anyway."

Time Skip to the next day...

"You saw that interview too right?" He asks as I walk towards the plane. I nod shortly and he pats me on the back. "She's a witch man I'm sure she'll be ok, and if she's not we'll step in."

"Thanks Buck."

Time skip to the battle on the trucks...

"Looked like you could use some help." John yells to us. I roll my eyes as him and his friend take down some of the flagsmashers.

After a few minutes of fighting and getting no where, a y/f/c most wraps around everyone, slowing things down. I smile and watch as y/n lowers herself onto one of the trucks and takes down the enemy. One of them starts scaling towards me and Bucky and she pushes us off the trucks, onto the side of the road.

"Told you she could handle it." Bucky said as we trudged back along the dirt road. I nod quickly and turn when I hear an engine behind us.

"You guys look like you could use a ride." Bucky and I simultaneously roll our eyes at the sound of John's voice.

"We're good." I reply, not even looking at him anymore.

"Come on Sam, don't be so stubborn." I stop and look at y/n who has appeared behind us. She hoists herself in, Bucky and I following close behind and John pulls her into his side.

"What did I say about staying out of it?" I hear John growl, his grip on her waist tightening. She shakes a little and I scowl.

"Does... does he always stare like that?" The other guy asks. I keep my eyes on the silently arguing couple.

"You get used to it."

"Don't worry about him Lemar." Y/n jokes shakily. "He won't hurt you."

"Maybe not you, but I sure as hell will kill John if he keeps touching y/n like that." Bucky shoots out. I nod along with him and y/n pales.

"What are you trying to say?" John growls again. Y/n rapidly shakes her head.

"Nothing, he doesn't mean anything." She speeds through her words and John looks down at her suspiciously.

"Stop the car!" John yells. "We should talk." Y/n gulps as he pulls her out the back and off towards the trees. Bucky and I exchange a quick glance before rushing off to follow them, Lemar close behind us.

Y/n's POV:

"John, John please!" I cry as he drags me off. He whips around and I stumble backwards.

"What?!" He snaps. "What did you say to him? TELL ME?!"

"I swear I didn't say anything." I whimper, my hands glow a little out of reflex and he shakes his head laughing.

"Don't make me do it y/n." He gestures to the bracelet attached to both my wrists, a gift from the government to contain my powers.

"I really didn't..."

"BULLSHIT!" He slaps me across the face, knocking me to the ground. John kicks me into a tree and grabs me by the throat, hoisting me up. "You absolute LYING BITCH." I gasp for air.


"John?!" I fall to the ground and John and I turn to find Lemar, Bucky and Sam watching us with wide eyes. Sam and Bucky rush to my side as Lemar approaches John carefully. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I... I didn't... it's not what it looks like..." he begs Lemar to listen and the two of them walk away arguing, Lemar pulling John back towards the car.

"Hey, breathe. It's ok, I got you." Sam whispers, rocking me back and forth in his arms. Bucky looks over my injuries and I let out a sob.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I wail. "I didn't have a choice. They made me do it... I didn't want to..."

"I know, I'm not mad." He whispers kissing the top of my head. "Just breathe, we can figure this out later."

"I love you." I mumble into his chest. I feel him smile against my hair.

"I love you too y/n/n."


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