16: Thor Odinson(Escape The Storm)

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Title: Escape The Storm
Characters: Thor Odinson, Steve Rogers!brother, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton
Warnings: panic attack
Summary: reader has phonophobia and a thunderstorm surrounds the compound after a failed experiment by the science bros



Phonophobia, for anyone who isn't aware, is a fear of loud noises.



I jump up at the loud crack of thunder, dropping my book. I look out the nearest window and feel the color draining from my face.  Steve and Clint come running in and my brother moves quickly to my side.

"FRIDAY get everyone up in the living room." Soon we are joined by Tony and Bruce, the only other Avengers at the compound. "What the hell is going on out there?"

"Well... one of my inventions may have gone a little haywire..." Tony shrugs sheepishly.

"What are the side effects?" Clint asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Severe weather changes. Not sure how long they'll last." Bruce says gesturing outside and I look once more. Slowly but surely, a thunderstorm is surrounding the compound. I look down at my phone and search for my connected noise cancelling headphones. My eyes widen when the red X pops up on my screen.

"No no no no no no no no no." I scramble around the living room shoving open cabinet doors and ripping open drawers. I turn over furniture and tear through the compound until I'm back in the living room.

"What are you doing?" Tony questions from behind me. I flip him off and continue searching.

"Did you check your room?" I turn to glare at the super soldier.

"No, Steven. I chose not to check the most OBVIOUS FUCKING PLACE!" I huff falling back onto the couch as the rain comes crashing down. "I always have them... I... I take them out for ONE GODDAMN DAY!" Steve wraps an arm around my shoulder.


I shiver into his side, hiding my face.

"I'm gonna go back upstairs." I mumble. He rubs my arm slightly and pushes me up, towards the hallway.

"Have FRIDAY come get me if you need anything." I nod slowly and walk away.

Pulling one of Thor's hoodies over my head, I wrap myself in blankets and bury my face in a pillow. I sniffle as the thunder gets louder and louder.

Thor's POV:

The bifrost closes and I notice a storm surrounding the compound. Odd. As I walk in, soaking wet I notice how eerily quiet it is. I call mjolnir to my hand as I head upstairs. I dry off with a towel in the nearest bathroom before making my way down to the living room, my hammer still ready in hand.

"Dude what is up with her?" I peer around the corner to see Stark, Steve, Banner and Clint sitting on the couch together.

"Hello gentlemen." I announce, walking towards them. "What is with the storm outside? I couldn't get rid of it."

"Yeah neither can we." Steve sighs, laying back, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Bruce and Tony tried some sort of experiment and now it's there for who knows how long."

"Interesting... where is my lady?" My face brightens a little at the thought of y/n, my heart swelling with joy.

"Oh uh she's in her room. Needed to be alone for a little." Clint answers, throwing pencils into the ceiling. Tony slaps his arm and the two begin to argue. Steve shakes his head and looks at me.

"She has phonophobia." Everyone is quiet and looks at him. "The thunder and lightening was making her panic so she want to her room. Normally she has these wireless headphone things that Howard made during the war but they're missing and she's freaking out."

I nod slowly and put down my hammer next to the couch.

"I'm going to go to her."

I knock lightly on the door and when she doesn't respond I push it open.

"Y/n, my love. Are you alright?" I notice the shivering bundle on the bed and walk toward her, worry filling my chest. "Y/n?" I can hear her heavy breathing and quickly pull her towards me. "Hey, hey breathe. Breathe ok. Put your head right here." I pat my chest and she lays her head down, arms wrapping around my waist tightly. "Focus on my heartbeat and count with me ok?" I run my fingers through her hair and she nods slowly.

"O...one...tw...two..." Together we count to ten a few times until her breathing is even. She snuggles further into my chest and I kiss her head.

"Feel better darling." Y/n nods, playing with my fingers and I chuckle. "I love you."


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