6: Pietro Maximoff(Bored)

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Title: Bored
Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson
Warnings: self harm
Summary: inspired by Bored by Billie Eilish, reader wins a drawing contest with a special piece of art but the avengers continue to ignore her, causing her to feel unimportant (this was also inspired by @elijahslittleslut on tiktok so go check out their video!!)


I look up in shock when I hear my name over the radio.  I jump up and down, doing my little happy dance and look down at my drawing.  It was something special Pietro and Wanda had convinced me to enter into an art contest.  And it surprisingly won!  I picked it up off my desk and ran downstairs, excited to show the team.

"GUYS GUYS LOOK!" I shout, holding out my drawing.  "I WON!"  The Avengers before me groan and roll their eyes, making my heart sink a little.

"Y/n can you, I don't know, NOT SHOUT!" Tony snaps.  I shrink back, pulling my drawing to my side.  "Seriously you're always down here about something, can't you just wait for Pietro to get home." My boyfriend and his sister were currently on a mission with Sam and had been gone for a few weeks.  I missed him but I didn't think I was annoying people...

"I'm sorry... I just wanted to show you my drawing." I said quietly holding it out again.  I could feel the tears forming in my eyes as they either looked away from me or put their heads in their hands. "It won a conte...."

"Y/n we're talking about something way more important than some stupid little drawing." Natasha mumbles.

"Sorry, y/n but maybe you can show us some other time." Steve sighs picking up a file. I nod slowly and start backing away.

"Just like my new training simulation? Or the cake I made?" I ask.  Tony rolls his eyes again.

"We don't have time for your silly games y/n. Unlike you some of us do important work here." He says, raising his voice as he continues. "So would you like to contribute to something important or are you just gonna have us drag you along like a little kid?!" I feel a tear slide down my cheek as I turn away.

"Just... forget about it..." I whisper, my voice breaking, heart shattered.  I let my drawing sit on the counter along with a little note for Pietro letting him know I won.

An hour or so later...

Steve's POV:

"What's that noise?" Natasha asks looking up. I look around, also hearing the soft sound. I stand up and walk over and look into the living room to find y/n at the piano.

"It's y/n..." I mutter back.

"You say, you say it's not my fault. You say, nothing at all." She sings, her fingers stroking the keys lightly. "Can you feel my hands shake? Heart is now an earthquake. I'm left alone to tear myself apart." I stare, mouth agape as she plays and sings.

"She's great." Tony whispers. I hear a door shut behind us and turn to find the twins and Sam walking in. Pietro picks up two pieces of paper on the counter while the other two walk over to us.

"You make it look so easy... turn around and leave me. I'm left alone to tear myself apart." Y/n continues, not noticing any of us. I see a tear slide down her cheek as she sings. "To tear myself... apart." Her voice begins to break ever so slightly as more tears rush down her face.

"What did you guys do?!" Pietro asks angrily, clutching the paper tightly in his hands.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"She's clearly upset and her winning drawing is sitting on the counter with tear stains on the note that came with it so clearly you did something." I see Wanda's eyes glow red as Pietro continues to question us.

"They've been ignoring her..." she gasps. "Y/n has tried showing you all her projects. The cake, a new training simulation and now her drawing that won an art contest and you all ignored her. You were so mean..." I shake my head. That doesn't sound right. I look back over at where y/n is sob singing.

"No concern for what you've burned, you set yourself ablaze. What survives are sharpened knives that cut right through the bone." Pietro hands me the paper and Tony, Natasha and I look down to see a beautiful image of the team standing together, happy.

We're talking about something way more important than a stupid little drawing...

We don't have time...

Would you like to actually contribute to something?

"Oh my god..." I breathe out. "We were awful." Tony and Nat both look down ashamed. Pietro groans and runs over to y/n, cradling her in his arms, whispering in her ear. We follow him over and sit behind the piano as she cries into the arms of her lover.

"Y/n..." Nat starts. "Y/n we are so so sorry." She nods her head not speaking, Pietro rocking her back and forth. My eyes make there way to her arms and I notice something as she tugs on her sleeve.

"No..." I gasp a little and everyone looks at me. "Y/n. Tell me you didn't..." she lets out a broken sob and bury's her head into Pietro's chest. "Y/n I'm so sorry this is all our fault..."

"What? What is it?" Tony looks around for an answer and Sam shakes his head, disappointed.

"She started cutting again. All because you little shits couldn't be decent human beings and pay attention to her when she clearly needed it." He joins the couple on the bench and takes her arms in his hands and slowly starts tending to the cuts along her forearms.

"We never wanted this to happen..." I can hear the tears in Natasha's voice. "Y/n you have to understand we care for you... we just got distracted." The girl simply shrugs and as soon as Sam is finished cleaning her up, Pietro whisks her away. I assume, to their shared bedroom.

"They're never gonna forgive us..." Tony groans, letting his head fall into his hands.

"I don't know if any of us will." Wanda states coldly. Without another word her and Sam also disappear down the hall, leaving the 3 of us to sit in the suffocating silence.

Part 2?


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