31 : Steve Rogers(Favorite Crime)

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Title: Favorite Crime
Characters: Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson
Warnings: angst, mentions of death
Summary: reader finds out that Steve has been cheating on them and the couple gets into a huge argument that ends badly(lyrics from Favorite Crime by Olivia Rodrigo will be italicized)


I stared down at the envelope in my hands and my eyes flickered to the buzzing phone beside me. Nat and Wanda had been texting me non-stop lately, sending me screenshots, photos, and videos that made me sicker than I had been lately. The door creaked open and I quickly wiped away my tears, standing up to face the man before me.

He backed in the door slowly and shut it as quietly as he could. He backed up a few steps and just stood there, breathing slowly.

"Steve," I said quietly.

He turned around and looked up to find me with a tear-stained, red envelope held tightly in my shaking hands.

"Y/n... what- what are you still doing up?" My boyfriend asked, looking around. "It's almost 2 in the morning, you should be sleeping."

"Yeah well, I've been waiting up for you," I answer coldly. He studies my face, slightly shocked at my stoic responses.

"Why are you talking to me like that baby?"

"Don't 'baby' me Steve. I'm not the only one who should be sleeping." I say crossing my arms. "Only difference is I should be asleep and you should be sleeping with your girlfriend instead of other women." He sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"Y/n I-"

"No." I snap, my voice cracking slightly as I feel another wave of tears approaching. "You don't get to talk until I'm finished. Understood?" I wait a moment before continuing. "I have done everything in my power to support you and all your endeavors and you go and cheat on me? Imagine if America could see their golden boy now... how disappointed they'd all be. I understood how hard letting goes of Peggy was for you and I understood that you'd never truly stop loving her. And I was ok with that. Because I was so in love with you that I was willing to do anything to keep you. And you still fucking cheated!"

"Can I speak now?!" His voice is sharp and I stay quiet as he looks up at me. "God, you are so fucking annoying. You know, I was with you as a distraction. I mean I had to move on at some point, didn't I? She died and you were there when it all happened. It was nothing more than that y/n. Nothing more. You have done NOTHING for me." Tears flow freely down my face and I turn away so he can't see me.

"Really?" I whisper. "Nothing more than a distraction."

"Yeah. Nothing more than a distraction." Steve repeats.

"I saved you in the battle of New York. I stood by you in Sokovia and Lagos. I took your side during the accords and supported you through Peggy's death and Sam and Bucky's disappearances. I turned on my brother for you and put aside MY PARENTS DEATHS. TO SAVE YOUR BEST FRIEND AND MAKE YOU HAPPY. But I did nothing for you..."

He doesn't say anything and I chuckle.

"You know... it's bittersweet to think about the damage that we do. Cause I was going down, but I was doing it with you. Yeah, everything we broke and all the trouble that we made." I turn around and smile. "I hate you... oh look what we became..." I look up at him, sobbing. "All the things I did. Just so I could call you mine! All the things you did... well I hope I was your favorite crime... cause baby you were mine." I take a deep breath before continuing. "Who was it?"

"What?" His voice is quiet and shocked.

"Who did you cheat with Steve?"

"Sh... Sharon."

"Nice." I scoff. "Peggy's niece. Well," I think for a moment and grab my phone and keys, striding to our bedroom to grab the bag I packed. "If you guys ever get serious, I hope she enjoys these." I throw the envelope on the sofa and make my way to the door.

"Wait, y/n where are you going?"

"Does it matter?" I try to hold back my sobs, hand on the doorknob. "You won't have to see me for a long time so don't worry. I won't get in the way of your relationship. Now she can come over here and you won't have to be up at 2 in the morning every night." With that I walk out, bumping into Sam on my way.

"Hey, you ok? I heard yelling." He grabs my shoulders and I shake him off.

"Steve cheated, I'm going to visit Pepper and Morgan," I reply bluntly. He nods and stands by the door as I walk away.

"Y/n wait-"

"Yeah, I don't think so." I can hear the disgust dripping off Sam's words and turn my head to see him pulling Steve back into his room. "You're not going anywhere near her until she says otherwise."

I smile a little, walk out the door, and drive up to see my sister-in-law.

The next morning...

I sit on the couch with a cup of tea in my hands, sipping a little before placing it back on the table.

"Not thirsty?" Pep asks, sitting beside me with a matching cup. I shake my head slowly and hear Morgan come running down the stairs.

"Auntie Y/n!" She shouts, jumping onto my arms. I hug her and laugh until she pulls away to look at me. "Why were you crying? Is Uncle Steve with you?" Pepper coughs and I shoot her a look.

"Uh no, Uncle Steve did something bad and I won't be with him for a very long time." The little girl pouts.

"That's mean... do you need hugs?" She suggests. I giggle.

"Yes, hugs would help." I cuddle her close and she buries her head into the crook of my neck.

"Daddy always liked hugs..." I nod slowly, holding back more tears.

"Yeah..." I whisper. "He sure did..." Pepper clears her throat and picks Morgan up.

"Alright, sweetie let's give your aunt a little space." She nods her head to the door and I smile, mouthing a 'thank you' her way as she takes Morgan upstairs.

I find myself sitting on the dock, legs dangling over the edge. I look over the water and let my tears fall.

"Tony... god Tony I miss you so much." My cries grow louder the more I think. "I'm so sorry. I never should have chosen Steve over you, my own brother. I- I should have stuck with you from the beginning. You were right, he wasn't good for me and he hurt me. I'm so sorry..." I spent the rest of the day there, crying to my dead brother until Pepper finally pulls me inside.

"Cmon let's get you to bed."

To be continued...


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