62: T'Challa(Returning Home) *PART 4 TO MASKED CAT*

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Title: Returning Home
Characters: Dr. Strange, T'Challa, Okoye, Shuri
Warnings: none just fluff
Summary: after the blip y/n's family returns home


"Y/n." I look up from my book and smile gently at Shuri who smiles back. "How are you this evening?"

"Better." As I say this a chill goes up my spine and my head snaps to the window, overlooking the city. The cloud of dust is normal as is the busy commotion but something feels...

"Off?" As if reading my mind, Shuri comes to join me by the window, studying the bustling streets. "I feel it too."

"My Queen, my Princess." Okoye and two other guards hurry into the room. "There is something happening at the border."

I nod curtly and twirl, magically changing into my long outdated fight outfit. "Suit up ladies."

As we enter the battle field there are hundreds of confused soldiers running around, screaming.

"ENOUGH." I shout, using my magic to pause the fighting. Once the screaming has stopped I release the crowd and bend down to one of our soldiers. "What is the meaning of this?"

"The demon dogs... where are they? What's happened?" He looked afraid, backing away from me slowly. I cock my head to the side when I hear a familiar voice.

"Queen Y/n. Long time, no see." I sigh and turn to face Stephen Strange with a strained smile.

"Stephen. How can I assist you, as you can see I'm a little-"

"The blipped. They have returned." I am taken aback at his words and grip his cloak, pulling him close.

"If this is a joke..." I warn. He shakes his head once and I study the serious expression written all over his face, releasing him slowly. He begins to speak of battles and wars to be fought when it hits me. "My family." I take off into the palace, frantically searching through rooms.

"ASA!" I scream, tearing through the building. "T'CHALLA!" I finally go down to check the throne room and that's where I find them, holding each other tightly. "My family... you've returned home." Tears flow from my eyes as I wrap myself around my daughter, hugging her tightly.

"My love..." I turn to face my king and embrace him tightly.

"Oh you've no idea how much I've missed you both. No idea." We pull out daughter into the hug and sink to the floor.

There are still battles to fight but I have my family again. And that's all that matters now.

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