12: Wanda Maximoff(You'll Be Ok)

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Title: You'll Be Ok
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Sharon Carter
Warnings: death, depression, suicide
Summary: readers family dies in plane crash and her twin sister commits suicide soon after they find out.


"Hey guys, just finish training?" I ask, rummaging around in the cabinets as Steve and Bucky walk in.

"Yup kicked his ass." Bucky boasts and I laugh.

"Sure whatever makes you feel better Buck." Steve scoffs. The two super soldier bicker about who's stronger for a moment and sit down at the kitchen island. I push a basket of fruit their way, eating my own y/f/f(your favorite fruit) before I hear my phone ring. I look down and see it's my sister.

"Hey.. are you crying what's wrong?!" I put down my breakfast and turn around, leaning against the sink. I hear Steve and Bucky go quiet as my sister sobs.

"They... the family... they were all coming back... on the plane... It... it crashed. Y/n they're all dead!" She cries. I shoot up in shock my hand covering my mouth.

"What do you mean all of them?" I barely even manage to get the words out as I choke on air.

"Everyone y/n they're all gone! It's just us now..." My twin whimpers. I feel the tears pooling in my eyes and I shake my head frantically.

"No no it can't be. They... are you sure they checked correctly? They couldn't have looked everywhere maybe..."

"Y/n they're gone. I'm sorry." She whispers and hangs up. I stare at the wall in disbelief and feel my phone slip out of my hand crashing to the floor. My body trembles and I hear Steve come up behind me as tears drip down my face.

"Y/n..." he starts quietly, but before he can finish I let out a broken sob and fall to my knees, crying loudly. He drops down beside me and pulls me into his chest. "Hey, hey what happened?" He whispers soothingly.

"My...my family.. they're gone!" I cry out, shaking with every word. "It's just my and y/s/n now..." Steve and Bucky share a glance as my phone rings again. They look at it quickly and Bucky picks up my phone and walks out of the room.

"It's gonna be ok..."

Wanda's POV:

"I'm gonna call y/n now, see if she's awake." Nat says, pulling her phone out. I nod and sip my coffee, looking around the park. Nat stands up and walks away, pacing back and forth next to our table. "Hey you... Bucky? Where's... you're kidding. Oh god, ok we'll be back soon. Yeah just keep an eye on her, I'll bring Wanda. Ok see you soon." I look up at her worried as she comes back and grabs her things. "Come on we gotta go. Y/n's family died."

"Y/n!" I shout breathless, running into the compound. I make my way up to our room to find Bucky in the doorway. He nods at me sadly and I walk in where Steve is sitting beside my sniffling girlfriend on our bed. "Hey darling..." she looks up at me and starts to sob. I lift the blanket and pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her tightly. I stroke her hair and hum to her as she cries. "It's ok I'm here now. It's going to be ok."

Time skip to the next morning...

"Good morning." I whisper, kissing her forehead. She snuggle closer to me in response and I chuckle.

"Wanda?" I head Natasha through the door. "Y/n has mail."

"You can come in, she just woke up." Natasha slowly creaks open the door and placed an envelope on the bed. I pick it up and pass it to y/n who slowly opens it and pulls out a tear stained letter. Her eyes widen and begin to tear up again as she keeps reading. She drops the paper and pulls into me, sobbing even harder than before. I look at Natasha confused, trying to soothe her. "What's wrong?"

Y/n falls apart in my arms, shaking her head. Tears fill my eyes seeing my love so helpless and I kiss her head over and over, grabbing the letter and reading it myself.

Dear y/n,
God we've been together for so long now and I just wish I didn't have to leave you like this. Truthfully I really do love you and I miss you terribly but they're gone and it's just us. I can't handle it. I've been barely holding together the past few years and I think this is my tipping point. By the time this letter reaches you I'll be gone. I'm so sorry to leave you but I don't think I have another choice. You'll have Wanda and your Avengers family. You'll be ok. I love you always my twin.

I hand Nat the letter and she leaves as I cradle the broken woman before me.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so so sorry."

Nat's POV:

"What's going on?" Bucky asks as I step into the kitchen, throwing the papers on the table. I lean against the counter on my elbows, head in my hands and sigh.

"Y/n's twin sent this letter. I tried calling her apartment complex... she's gone."

"Holy shit..." Bucky whispers, looking down at the suicide note. He passes it to Steve who shakes his head and turns it over.

"How is she?" I shake my head again and sigh.

"Falling apart. I think we'd have a much bigger problem on our hands if Wanda wasn't here..."

Wanda's POV:

A week later...

"Y/s/n was more than just my sister. She was my twin, twin flame and the sun to my moon. We did everything together up until I joined the Avengers initiative. We trained together, fought together and worked together. She truly was the world to me."
Y/n takes a deep breath and Sharon squeezes her hand. "Words cannot describe how difficult these last few weeks have been. Losing our family took a toll on her, and cost her life."

"Meeting the y/l/n twins was one of the best moments of my life." Sharon started. "We joined SHIELD together, lived together. They became more than my friends, more than my coworkers." She looks at y/n who smiles tearfully. "They were my sisters. Last week we lost our sister. Y/s/n was one of the best and strongest agents SHIELD ever knew. And she will never be forgotten."

As we stepped up to the gravestone, Sharon and y/n each dropped a sunflower on top of her grave. We stepped back and I let the two girls cry together, rubbing each of their backs.

"Take care of her for me." Sharon grins, hugging me tightly. I nod warmly and step away so she can embrace my girlfriend. "You're gonna be ok y/n/n." She whispers. Y/n nods and retreats back to me and we watch as the blonde walks off into the distance. I wrap an arm around her shoulder and pull her into my side.

"You ready to go home?" She nods and looks down again.

"I'm gonna be ok."


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