🏳️‍🌈23: Stony(Stumbling Out of the Closet)🏳️‍🌈

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Title: Stumbling Out of the Closet
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson
Warnings: little smut(again not good at it)
Summary: Tony and Steve have a secret relationship and play truth, dare or drink with the other Avengers


It was supposed to be a normal game of truth, dare or drink. Just like it was supposed to be a modest, light party. However, my boyfriend apparently can't do anything normal or light. Especially drinking.

"Cmon capsicle. You can't even GET drunk. What's the harm in playing a little game?" Tony gripped my arm like a child and dragged me, drunkenly, over to the couch where the rest of the team was seated around an empty bottle of champagne.

"I don't think I've ever seen the two of you get along so well... what's the catch?" Clint teases. I roll my eyes and Tony lays his head on my shoulder dramatically.

"Isn't obvious Katniss? I'm in love with golden boy America!" He declares. My body freezes and I snap my head to him as he hiccups a little giggle. The other Avengers are silent for a moment and panic stirs in my core before they bust out laughing.

"Stark? And Captain Rogers?" Thor booms. "I'll throw money at it when I see it." I chuckle with them and shove Tony off of my arm lightly. "Now let's begin..."

A few spins later and mostly everyone, aside from me and Banner, are drunk.

"Go on cap, since you're so high and mighty, spin the damn bottle." Clint challenges. I nod bravely and spin nervously. And ironically enough it lands on Nat.

"Truth, drink, or dare?"

"Dare," I say confidently.

"Hmmm... Ok, 7 minutes in heaven with... Stark." The redhead watches with a triumphant smirk as Tony pulls me into the closet giddily. "Time is starting now!" She shouts as the door clicks shut.

Without hesitation, Tony clambers onto me, straddling my lap and kissing my lips roughly. I place my hands on his hips to steady us and sit up slightly, pulling away so my head rests against the wall behind us.

"Babe... no. We can't."

"Why not?" He whines, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Everyone's outside and you're drunk."

"I'm also horny." He sasses, attacking my mouth again. I struggle against him for a moment but then he starts grinding himself against my crotch and I groan into the kiss, surrendering to my boyfriend. "See... wasn't that so simple?" I push him back and corner him against the door, ripping his shirt off and attaching my lips to the soft skin on his neck, eliciting a moan from the back of his throat.

"Simple huh?" I murmur. I move my kisses lightly down his chest and begin to unbuckle his pants as his hips buck up to meet my arm.

"Ste... Steve please..." he whispers, causing me to groan against his stomach.

Before we can continue, he falls back with a thud and I land on top of him, as the door flies open.

"I knew it!" Natasha shouts, pumping a fist in the air. "I knew they were hooking up!" We scramble to fix ourselves back up - or should I say I scramble to fix Tony up - as everyone stares in shock.

"I just... I don't even... Thor come get some money to throw." Clint sighs, walking away. Thor grumbles something and follows him while Natasha helps the two of us up of the ground.

"Well, that was one way to come out of the closet huh fellas?"

"I guess so," I chuckle, lifting Tony. "I'm gonna take him to bed. And for the record Romanoff..."

She turns around to face me and I smirk.

"We've been dating for a year now."


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