51: Wanda Maximoff(Betrayal)

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Title: Betrayal
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Vision
Warnings: mentions of blood and violence
Summary: after Civil War, Wanda cheats on reader while reader and Sam are on a mission(there will be a part 2)


Requested by roseliy423


"Hey babe, you're probably busy but I just wanted you to know I miss you. Call me when you get this... I love you." I sigh into my phone, looking around the small room as I hang up. Since Steve and Natasha had rescued us from the raft, we'd all been doing little missions around the world, anonymously bettering these places. I had recently been sent on an information task and was missing my girlfriend more than ever.

Wanda had been spending a lot of time trying to understand her connection to the mind stone, or more specifically, her connection with Vision. It peeved me how much time they had spent together, and while it wasn't ideal for us to be on the run, I was hoping we could finally be together. Alone at last.

But that didn't last long. I was constantly moving around Europe and Asia, taking on missions with Sam, my partner. It was no doubt, taking a toll on my relationship and I hadn't heard from her since I left.

"No answer still?" Sam asks, pulling a shirt over his head, wincing slightly. I set my phone down and push him gently to sit, lifting the fabric up to replace his bandages.

"Nothing." I whisper, focusing on the cuts, littered across his abdomen. "No texts, calls, voicemails. Nothing." He grabs my wrists and I look up at him, letting his shirt fall back down.

"It'll be ok. I'm sure she's just busy working or something." I smile up at him and force myself to roll my eyes.

"You're just saying that cause you're my best friend."

"I really do mean it y/n/n." He insists. "I've been saying it since we were kids: any girl would be downright stupid to let you go. Now come get some sleep. We leave first thing in the morning."

The next morning...

Sam wakes me up early, as promised, to go meet the rest of our crew in Geneva. We drop down in a field and knock on the trailer door a few times. Sam rounds it while I go inside and sweep the place.

"All clear outside." I hear through comms. "Redwing doesn't see anyone either."

"You're good to head inside Sam." I respond and he joins me inside, locking the door behind him. "Not bad for a runaway trailer." I muse, toying with the blinds a little. He bums in response, reaching under the counter for our new burner phones.

"Here. Call her." I smile and take it, opening and searching for the new number. My brows furrow and I turn to Sam, question clear in my eyes. "Why is Vision on here?" His eyebrows shoot up in surprise and he flicks his own phone open, shaking his head.

"I have no clue. Call your girl, I'll try and reach Steve." I nod grimly and press on Wandas contact.

Please leave a message at the beep... BEEP

"Hey, I know I just called you yesterday but... please call me back. I'm worried about you. I just want to know you're ok. I love you so much. See you soon." I hang up again and place the phone on the counter. "She didn't answer." I say before Sam can ask. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and I hug his side. "I wish she would just call me."

Our moment is interrupted by a knock on the door and we both drop down, pulling out our weapons. Someone makes a bird call and I sigh in relief, whistling back. Natasha enters quietly, Steve following behind her and I lift myself off the ground carefully. I wait for Wanda to come in behind them but when she doesn't I grow more confused.

"Where's Wanda?" I ask quietly. Steve and Natasha give each other a worried look and anger begins to bubble up inside of me. "I won't ask again. Where the fuck is my girlfriend?"

"Y/n... we're really sorry, he just showed up and-"

"Who showed up?" Sam snaps, standing firmly beside me.

"Vision. They left and haven't checked in since." I shake my head, arms falling to my side, grasping the counter to keep myself from falling over.

"She left with him..." I murmur, sliding down to the floor. Sam kneels in front of me, holding my face gently.  "That's why she hasn't answered my calls. She's been with him." Tears slide down my face and my breathing picks up. "I can't- b... believe this." Sam does his best to wipe away the flood of tears but resorts to rocking me back and forth in his arms when it doesn't work.

"Shh... breathe with me please. It's ok. I've got you. I've got you."

Time skip to Infinity War, the train station in Norway...

"Come on, get up. You have to get up."

"Wanda you have to go." She shakes her head and tears prick my eyes as she kisses his forehead softly.

"I'm not leaving you. You asked me to stay. I'm staying."

"Come on let's go," Natasha whispers. The aliens step into the light and we move forward slightly as a train zips past, jumping into action. We take on the aliens, blocking them from Wanda and Vision as best we can. Sam swoops in to help and they leave in a beam of light. Steve and Natasha move to help Vision and I can feel Wanda's eyes burning holes in my back as I clean off my knives.

"45 calls. 30 voicemails. 75 texts. 4 months spent worrying that you were taken, tortured, or dead." I spit as I turn around. Sam moves beside me, crossing his arms as I face the woman I used to love. "All for this?" I gesture my knife to where her and Vision were having their romantic moment. "For you to cheat on me with- god I can't even look at you right now!" She stares at me shocked.

"Y/n, I-"

"Do you know what that's like?" I seethe, pointing my knife at her. "To spend every waking hour, wondering if the love of your life is dead only to find out she's perfectly fine, in Norway, loving up on some cyborg?!" I turn to Vision for a moment. "No offense." He holds up his hands in surrender and I turn back to Wanda. "I trusted you." Angry tears flow down my face and I can see the guilt and regret filling her. "I loved you! And you threw it all away like it was nothing!"

"Please- I didn't mean to hurt you!" Wanda begs, moving closer. Sam moves in front of me to stop her.

"No. If you didn't want to hurt me you wouldn't have ended it like this." I shake my head and start walking back to the quinjet. "We have a mission to finish. After that, I never want to see you again."

Sam follows me and my face falls as I try to hold in my sobs. I block her out of my head. I don't want her to know how much this hurts me to leave her. I don't want her to see how much sadness I'm in.

I can't let her feel my heart breaking, because if she does, I don't think it will ever stop.


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