34 : Thor Odinson(Happily Ever After) *BONUS CHAPTER*

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Title: Happily Ever After
Characters: Thor Odinson, Frigga, Loki Laufeyson, Lady Sif, Heimdall, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: none
Summary: Thor takes reader to meet his family(AU where Loki and Frigga survive and Asgard is rebuilt. I didn't include Odin cause I don't like him and I added lady sif because she's the best)


"Ms. Y/l/n? Thor is requesting you in the lounge." I sit up excitedly and place my book down on my desk before hurrying out to meet Thor in the lounge.

The last few years with my boyfriend had been great and the two of us have been happy as can be. Sure things didn't always go too smoothly, him being from another planet and all, but he tried and we both made things work one way or another.

"You called for me my love?" I asked, hugging him from behind. The god twisted in my arms and kissed the top of my head lightly.

"Indeed I did." He smiled. "We've been dating for 3 years now and I decided that, if you're ready, it's time you meet my family." My eyes widened at the suggestion and I thought about it for a moment. In the past, I had never been enough for mortal men, how could I meet the standards of the gods? However, my relationship with Thor was so different than the ones I had experienced in the past.

"I- I would love that!" I exclaim. His grin widens at the gesture and he spins me a little.

"Wonderful! What do you think about leaving next Saturday?"

Time skip to next Saturday...

"What was I thinking?!" I wail. Wanda, Natasha, and Sam are stood around my room trying to help me pick an outfit for meeting Thor's family. "They're gods! None of these outfits are good enough."

"Y/n, why don't you ask Thor for help?" Sam shuffles around the room.

"Sam's right," Natasha adds gently. "He's Asgardian so he probably has a better idea of what they'll like."

"Darling are you alright?" My head drops into my hands and Nat and Sam let themselves out of my room, while Wanda stays behind for a moment.

"You're going to be just fine." She whispers, squeezing my hand lightly. I smile weakly and she nods to Thor as he makes his way over to me.

"Is everything ok?" He asks quietly. I shake my head a little and he hugs me. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't know... what if your family doesn't like me?" I begin to panic again, pulling away so I can pace the messy room. "I mean they're gods! I'm just some mortal superhero from earth. I'm not that special compared to the princesses and lords of Asgard. I can't even figure out what to wear!" Thor places a band on my shoulder and the other on my cheek, caressing it lightly.

"They're going to love you." He murmurs. "Just as I do. You are more special and beautiful than any girl I've ever met. And if they don't see you the way that I do, well that doesn't matter because I love you." I smile and kiss him softly. "And as for what to wear, I have a dress for you. It resembles Asgardian fashion quite well. Plus it suits your style." He leads me to his room where a gorgeous y/f/c dress lays on the bed. I touch the beautiful material and hold it up against myself, moving to stand in front of the floor-length mirror at the edge of his bed.

"I love it..." I whisper.

"Go put it on." I nod slowly, walking into the bathroom like I'm in some sort of trance, and pull it on. When I exit, Thor is beaming down at me. "You look radiant my love." I blush at his kind words and he takes my hand. "Are you ready?" I nod, swallowing the nerves down.

We head outside and he calls out for Heimdall to open the Bifrost. Within mere moments, we're lifted on a rainbow beam of light and I squeeze my eyes shut until I feel solid ground beneath my feet.

"Open your eyes darling. We're here."

When I do as told, I gasp at the wondrous sight before me. The golden city glimmers in the sunlight, emitting the happiest feeling I've ever seen.

"It's beautiful," I whisper in awe. Thor chuckles and pulls me towards the man in the center of the room.

"Heimdall my friend." He exclaims hugging the armed guard. Heimdall smiles and pats his back, turning his attention to me.

"You have brought the girl with you?" His golden eyes stare into my soul, but I don't feel intimidated. More... comforted?

"Yes. This is my lovely girlfriend. Y/n y/l/n."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Heimdall." I nod in his direction and he smiles.

"The pleasure is mine. Welcome to Asgard. The royal family awaits you." Something in my stomach flutters slightly and I grasp Thor's hand nervously. He looks down at me and kisses my forehead.

"I've got you."

As we walk through the glittering city, people pause to look at the two of us, whispering and giggling. As an Avenger, I'm used to attention from people I pass in the streets, but seeing these gorgeous people whispering about me is different.

"This. Is my home." Thor announces as the guards open the doors to the palace. We walk around for a moment until we reach the throne room where Thor's family waits for us. A beautiful blonde woman with curly hair stands in front of the throne, two black-haired adults standing on either side of her. She rushes over to Thor and envelopes him in a tight embrace. She pulls away, holding his face in her hands.

"My son... welcome home."

"Mother, Loki, Lady Sif. I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend, y/n y/l/n." I bow my head slightly and smile. Thor's mother pulls me into a hug, which I gratefully return.

"Welcome child. I am Frigga, Loki and Thor's mother. This is my youngest, Loki," she gestures to the raven-haired man behind her, who just stares in response. "And this is Lady Sif, a dear friend and fierce warrior of ours." The black-haired woman holds out her hand and I shake it firmly.

"Thank you for having me." I smile shyly. Thor wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"If you don't mind my asking," Lady Sif starts. "What are you? You don't seem like the average midgaurdian."

"Well, I'm a mutant," I explain. "I was experimented on as a child. It resulted in my supernatural abilities." As a demonstration, I create a mini display of fireworks above my hand. I smile slightly looking down. "We know what we are. But know not what-"

"-we may be." Loki finishes. "William Shakespeare."

"Hamlet." I look up at him and grin. "You're a fan of literature?" He nods coldly.

"I'm quite fond of it."

"Come now dear," Frigga loops her arm through mine and pulls me down the hallway. "Sif and I shall show you to your room and have a chat while Thor and Loki catch up."

Thor's POV:

"So this is the midgaurdian you've been fawning over." Loki shakes me out of my thoughts and I turn to find him with a smirk plastered on his face. I shake my head and roll my eyes slightly. "Oh come on brother. Once you heard she had broken up with that egotistical Captain America man, you practically ran out of here."

"Well, I do love her very much." I muse, moving to stand out on a balcony overlooking the city. "Mother seems to like her. I'm not too sure about what Sif thinks."

"She seems strong. And independent. Sif will like that." I nod along with him.

"And what do you think brother?"

"Me? I think she's alright." I turn to him and smile. "She knows Shakespeare so that's a check. Powerful, also good. And you seem to love her very much." He turns to look at me and gives me a small grin. I put a hand on his shoulder and hug him.

"Thank you, Loki. It truly means the world that you approve."

"All right, all right. That's enough, get off of me."


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