📚39: Steve Rogers📚

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Title: Wattpad Reactions
Characters: Steve Rogers
Warnings: mentions of death and injury
Summary: part one of my wattpad reactions series. Steve finds out about wattpad, smut, angst, fluff, etc.


"Hey, babe?" I heard Steve call anxiously. "Can... can you come here a minute?" I chuckle when I see him hunched over his new laptop, wondering what new modern technology he needs help with now.

"What can I do for you captain? Can't get the computer to work?" He rolls his eyes causing me to laugh aloud as I sit beside him. My eyes widen and my laughter screeches to a halt when I see what's open on the laptop. "Wattpad?" I shift nervously in my seat and he eyes me.

"Yes... a book website that I saw some of my fans mentioning on Instagram. I wanted to see what it was." I shake my head and make a move to close the device but he pulls my hand back, confused. "Stop, what are you doing?"

"Steve... this... this app is most definitely not the book app you think it is." I sigh, dropping my head into my hands. "I don't think you want to look at this darling."

"Trust me I do." Those are words both make me want to laugh and cry at the same time. "But... first can you tell me what's on here? It's just books right?"

"Well technically yes," I respond, turning to face him. "But many of them are fan-fiction or stories based off of books and movies like Harry Potter and Star Wars. Some people even write about celebrities like yourself." His face lights up, only further adding to my suspicions that he is too innocent for this app he's about to dive into.

"People write books about me?!" Steve beams with excitement. "Can we read some?!"

"Steve this might not be a good idea-"

"Pleeeeeeeease?!" He begs, making me grimace at those big blue eyes.

"Fine but don't say I didn't warn you." I sigh again and he does a little dance as I search up his name. "Here's a one-shot book about you."

"What's a one-shot? That sounds illegal."

"A one-shot is a short story with only one part Steve." I chuckle, patting his arm. "Let's just get this over with." He nods slowly and I click on it, scrolling through the introduction chapters of what the author wrote about. "This is a list of things they wrote about in the book. There's fluff, angst, smu- oh god..."

"What does this mean?" Steve furrows his brow, grabbing the mouse and clicking on a random chapter. "Oh this one is nice, we're making cookies! What does y slash n mean?"

"That means your name, so whoever is reading can fill in their name and pretend they're with you. This is an example of fluff, a happy story, and probably a good starting point."

"I'll fill the y slash n with your name," he smiles at me before continuing to read. "OH MY GOD, YOU DIED?!" I skim through the page and sigh.

"This isn't fluff, it's angst. Sad stories that usually include some form of severe injury and/or death. Lots of pain basically." He looks at me shocked.

"Why would anyone want to read that?!"

"It's an experience." I shrug. He clicks on another chapter quickly and gasps as he makes it halfway through. I turn to see what it is and my eyes grow wide. I snap the laptop shut and we sit in silence.

"Was that..."

"Yep. That's smut..."

"Ok..." I stand up and pinch the bridge of my nose, my back dancing Steve. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I sigh, turning to face him. "How'd you enjoy your experience?" He blushes furiously and looks down at the closed computer.

"It was... short-lived. And I am never reading online books again. I prefer the paper ones." I chuckle at that and sit back next to him as he holds me close. "Now about that last chapter..."

"Don't even think about it."

Next up Tony...


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