A/N: Mental Health and School

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hey guys! i hope you're all doing well

for those of you still on summer vacation i hope you're enjoying your summer

for anyone back in school, know i'm very proud of you and good luck with any academic endeavors

with that being said i wanted to address the sad fact that school is going to begin in a few weeks where i'm from meaning that updates will be slowing down beginning september 7th

school takes a pretty big toll on my mental health and while i absolutely adore writing on here i will have to consider my own health when writing and i hope you all can understand if things pause for a bit or are very slow

as always, i will still be taking requests, and updating as often as possible however take into consideration this authors note if things do slow down

also remember it is important to take care of yourself; both physically and mentally

drink water and make sure you eat when you're hungry because you deserve love and happiness and joy

i am so proud of all of you and i love you all very very much

if you ever need anything(to vent, someone to talk to, advice, etc.) my dms are always open and i will respond as soon as i can

here is a sneak peek at some upcoming updates ;)

Loki Laufeyson
Wanda Maximoff(Request)
Yelena Belova
Natasha Romanoff
Thor Odinson
Bruce Banner

have a good night/day <3

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