🏳️‍🌈21: Wanda Maximoff(Pride)🏳️‍🌈

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Title: Pride
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Carol Danvers, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson
Warnings: major fluff, homophobic behavior
Summary: avengers celebrate Pride month in NYC


Happy Pride month everyone!!!  In honor of the beginning of June and Pride month here's a Wanda x fem! reader fluff with some of my favorite ships included.  Throughout June I will be posting gay ship one-shots(Stony, Scarletwidow, Stucky, Winterfalcon, etc.) as well as transgender, non-binary, and other queer readers one-shots. If there is a specific gender identity or sexuality you would like represented let me know in the comments or message me!


"Hey, magic hands you and y/n/n coming with us or you gonna keep kissing all day?!" I hear Sam call from the hallway. I turn away from the mirror and yell back.

"Quit bothering us and go suck Bucky's face off bird boy!" Wanda chuckles and puts her hands on my shoulder.

"You ready my love?" I stand up and kiss her cheek, nodding. "Let's go."

We walk down the hall to the kitchen where all the couples, plus Clint and Thor, are waiting for us.

"Bout damn time." Clint rolls his eyes. I choke on a laugh as I look at what he's wearing. "Hey! I did this in support of you." Thor smiles happily in a matching rainbow tutu and t-shirt with the words Straight Up Ally bolded across the front.

"Do you like it Lady Y/n?" Thor asks, bouncing up and down. I nod, chuckle, and hug the god.

"Thank you, Thor, we appreciate your enthusiasm." His smile grows and he pulls away.

"Ok, can we go now?"

"Patience babe," Steve mutters, wrapping his arms around Tony's waist from behind.

"Yes, we can leave Stark." I giggle and pull Wanda out the front door with me.

As we roam the streets of NYC, making our way to Times Square, the couples cuddle up and it's clear who's most excited.

"Look look!" Thor shouts, pulling Wanda and me over to a storefront. "They have banners colored in rainbow in celebration! Shall we get one for our home?" I shake my head.

"Thor we already have like 20," Bucky calls. "Cmon we're gonna miss the start of the parade." We follow Sam and Bucky down the street and shimmy our way into the growing crowd.

As the parade begins, flags and banners are passed around and waved as a few people are lifted on shoulders, shouting and cheering through megaphones.

"Hey, would any of you like to speak? You know since you're Avengers?" A brunette woman hands us a megaphone and I gladly take it, Sam and Bucky hoisting me up on their shoulders. I press a button on one of the speakers and start blasting "Born This Way" scream-singing as we march.

A few minutes later we're all standing around, eating when I hear screams from the center of the crowd. We make our way over to find a man and his friends taking megaphones and ripping signs.

"Hey what's going on here?" Steve asks angrily, pushing them away from bystanders.

"We're teaching these freaks a lesson." One of them jokes.

"Who you calling a freak?" I retort, charging toward him.

"Anyone like you, you fucking-"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you..." Sam warns while Wanda struggles to hold me back.

"What are you gonna do?"

"This." Nat pulls Carol right to the center and kisses her deeply. They continue to make out as everyone cheers and the man's jaw drops. They pull away and smile at each other, flipping the guy off as he backs away. I hug the girls tightly as we begin to walk back to the tower.

"That was fucking awesome!" I exclaim as we walk back in. "Holy shit I've never wanted to kill someone more."

"I'm surprised Thor didn't get a punch in." Tony comments. We all pause and look around.

"Wait... where's Thor?" I make eye contact with Wanda and grimace.

"Oh no..."

Time skip

"THOR STOP!" Steve yells, pulling him off the guy, who's already bloody and passed out.

"What?" The god asks innocently. "He asked what I was going to do so I showed him." I laugh and pull him towards the car.

"Let's go home god of rainbows."


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