43: Yelena Belova(Show Me)

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Title: Show Me
Characters: Yelena Belova, Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: implied smut
Summary: yelena moves into the compound and grows close to reader


"Where are we?" I ask my sister as she leads me into the large building.

"New York." She replies blandly. I roll my eyes and grasp her wrist tightly, causing her to spin around and face me.

"You said that before. What is this place?" I ask again, gesturing to the large building.

"This, is the Avengers compound."

We head inside and Natasha shows me into their conference room.

"FRIDAY, call the Avengers into the conference room. I have someone I want them to meet. And please add my sister, Yelena Belova, into your system."

"Of course Ms. Romanoff, welcome Ms. Belova." I jump slightly at the loud female voice and Nat chuckles.

"That's FRIDAY. Tony Starks AI, who helps us with basically everything." I nod slowly, relaxing a bit, but shrink behind my older sister when I see the large group of people entering.

"Natasha... who's this?" The tall blonde man asks.

"Avengers, meet my younger sister. Yelena Belova." She pulls me to stand beside her and I study the group carefully as they introduce themselves.

I've seen Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, and Thor on TV and they're all how I imagined them.

Sam, Thor, Tony, and Steve are more outgoing and talkative while Wanda, Bruce, and Bucky stay mostly silent, only giving me a small wave and fleeting grin.

Then I see her. In the back of the room, hiding behind Sam.

"Who is that?" I whisper to Natasha, nodding my head towards the y/h/c.

"Oh yes, y/n/n. Come introduce yourself, don't be shy." She inches towards me and smiles gently.

"Y/n." She murmurs shortly, nodding her head. "Nice to meet you." I smile a little and nod back.


"Well, I have work to do, so y/n? Would you mind showing my sister around the compound?"

"I don't mind." She blushes slightly and I squirm a little at the gesture. I see my sister smirking out of the corner of my eye, winking at Sam as she pushes us both out the door.

"Alright, you two have fun!" She calls.

I follow y/n through hallways as she explains what each floor contains also showing me the different rooms.

"And this is the floor me, Nat, and Wanda sleep on. I assume you'll sleep here too since Tony made this floor specifically for us ladies." She rolls her eyes and I chuckle.

"Thank you," I whisper as she shows me to a spare room.

"Yeah, no problem." She grins a little. "My room is right across the hall if you need anything and Natasha is about three doors down from me. I'll see you around I guess..."

A few days later...

"NO!" I sit up panting, grasping the blankets in my hand, trying to calm my breathing.

"Ms. Belova, your heart rate is rising rapidly. Should I call Ms. Romanoff?" I shake my head frantically, pulling on a sweatshirt.

"That's ok FRIDAY, thank you," I mutter, stepping out into the hallway. I look at the doors around me and start walking, but instead of going to Natasha's room, I find myself knocking on y/n's door.

"Hey," she whispers when she sees me. "Come in." I shuffle into her room, taking it in as she leads me to the bed. "Nightmare?" I nod, whimpering slightly as I remember the dream. "I'm sorry. You can stay here if you want? I'll stay up with you." I nod again, stronger this time and she sits in front of me. We just sit in silence until I slowly drift to sleep.

This continues for two months. Walking to y/n's room, in the dead of night and sitting in silence until we both fall asleep.

"You-you're good at this," I whisper, finished with our silent moments.  "Dealing with my nightmares I mean. I've only ever spoken to Natasha about them."

"She used to get them too, your sister. Everyone in the tower gets them, even me." She replies smoothly, rubbing my arm softly. We'd gotten to the point where we could lie beside each other and when she touched me I wouldn't flinch. "I guess you just get used to it. And I don't mind. I like helping people."

"You're amazing you know." She sits up and looks at me, smiling. "I think I- I mean it's silly but..."

"What is it?" She cocks her head to the side. "You can tell me anything." I take a deep breath before blurting it out.

"I think I love you!" My eyes squeeze shut, relaxing only when I feel her hand on my cheek. I instinctively reach up to grasp it and hold it close.

"Open your eyes darling." She hums. As I do so, I feel her breath fan against my face. Our noses are touching and my breath hitches in my throat as she looks into my eyes. "I love you too, you know?"

"I've never felt like this before. I don't know what it's like." I whisper, looking at her through my lashes.

"I can show you what love is like." Y/n smiles, our lips inches apart. "I'd never leave you."

"Please." I practically beg her, our lips brushing together now. "Show me." Her lips instantly connect with mine and I sigh in relief, pulling her back with me as we fall against her bed. I'm breathless when she pulls away, smiling down at me.

"Shall I show you more?"


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