🏳️‍🌈25: Steve Rogers(Burn Together)🏳️‍🌈

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Title: Burn Together
Characters: Steve Rogers
Warnings: homophobia, mentions of heaven and hell, toxic religious people pushing beliefs, insecure and intrusive thoughts, mentions of conversion therapy and god
Summary: male!reader sees homophobic comments and messages and begins to question themselves and feel insecure after talking to their homophobic parents


The ringing of my alarm clock jolted me out of my thoughts and I quickly sat up. I sighed, shutting the noise off and stumbling out of bed, to the hallway. I tugged a large hoodie on over myself and adjusted my sweatpants, making my way to the kitchen. As I did so my phone rang wildly off the hook and I hurried to answer before I woke up the rest of the tower.

"Hey, mom what's up?" I whispered, creeping into the elevator.

"Y/n... your father and I need to talk to you." My mother's voice was cracking and I wasn't sure if it was her connection or tears.

"Ok.. do you need me to come home? I can be there in like 20 minutes."

"Yeah come over to our place and we'll discuss over some coffee or something." She said blandly.

"Alright, I'll head out now."

She hung up without another word and I exited the tower through the garage, grabbing a random car and set of keys from Tony's massive array of choices. As I drove I realized I had forgotten to tell Steve where I was going, remembering most everyone else was out of the tower today.

Americas Ass❤️🤍💙

Hey Steve, I'm on my way to my parent's house. My mom called and said she needed to tell me something

Alright, drive safe.
Don't text while driving :)
I love you <3

You got it cap
I love you too<3

I smiled playfully at my boyfriend's texts, he was still getting used to technology. Just before I could put my phone down and pull back onto the road, a little icon popped up and it looked like a dm. As an Avenger, I always try to respond to fans and such and getting notifications like this wasn't new. But when I opened it it wasn't something I expected.

What a fucking fa-

I didn't even continue reading. I knew what it would say. Just another comment on Steve and I's coming out post from this week, where we finally exposed our relationship to the public. I had received hundreds of messages and comments calling me slurs and telling me to find help and refuge in Christ.

I threw my phone down on the seat and continued driving to my parent's house, angrily. As I pulled into the driveway, I forced a fake smile and dragged myself up to the front porch, where my mother was waiting.

"Hey, mom." I leaned down to kiss her cheek, but she pulled away and stood up, leading me inside without a word. "Ok... where's dad? Is everything alright?"

"Sit down y/n." My dad ordered coldly, walking in. I took a seat on the armchair in their living room and my parents sat across from me on the sofa. "We wanted to talk to you about that recent news about you and one of your teammates."

"We're sure you are behaving for us." My mom hurried to say. "But the news has some very interesting things to say about you and Captain America..."

"Me and Steve?" My parents nodded slowly. "What have they been saying?"

"That you're... dating." She whispers out the last part like it's a big secret that should never be shared.

"Well because we are. Steve is my boyfriend." My parent's faces changed shades: my mom going pale and my dad turning red with anger.

"A man?! You're dating another man?" My mother asked shakily.

"Yes? What's so wrong with tha-"

"No son of mine will be gay!" My father roared, jumping to his feet. "I will not have this... demonic son in our bloodline!" I rose to my feet as well.

"I love Steve. No matter what you think. And if you can't accept that I'm leaving." I stalked out the door and made my way back to the car.

"Honey please wait!" My mother grabbed my arm and I turned to face her. "We... we can get you help, please. We love you and our pastor has a lovely program for kids like you-"

"Really mom? Conversion camps?" I scoff. I rip my arm out of her grip and get in the car, speeding off without another word.

I drive around the city, tears flooding down my face. How could I be so stupid to think my Christian parents would be ok with my sexuality? Were they... no! They weren't right! I loved Steve... but was it wrong?

I pulled into the garage and slowly made my way up to my room.

"Hey babe how were things with your parents?" I heard my boyfriend call from the other room. I ignored him, throwing myself onto my bed, face down. "Y/n?" I heard Steve enter my room and felt the bed dip beside me as he sat down. "Everything ok?"

"No... my parents want me to go to a conversion camp.." I sit up and face him. He takes in my tear-streaked face and red puffy eyes carefully, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"I'm sorry..."

"Why can't people accept us?" I whisper, a fresh wave of tears hitting me. "Am I going to burn in hell as they say?" He cups my cheeks with his hands and brushes away the tears, kissing me lightly.

"My love if you are burning, I'm going with you." He murmurs, pulling me into his chest. I wrap my arms around his waist and we lie together. He kisses my head over and over and hums to me. "We'll burn together darling." I nod and bury my face into his shirt.

"I love you so much, Steve."

"I love you too."


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