55: Avengers(Breathe)

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Title: Breathe
Characters: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Thor Odinson, Vision(they/them pronouns for Vision)
Warnings: anxiety attack
Summary: reader becomes overwhelmed during a meeting and has an anxiety attack


"No... no please no. Not now please." I whisper, forcing myself to look down at the files in front of me. Today had been completely going to shit, and to top it off, Fury had scheduled a meeting before dinner. I had barely slept the night before filling out paperwork, was late for training with Steve this morning, spilled my coffee and then was late for this meeting because of it.

My breathing was slowly picking up and my leg bounced under the table. I did my best to occupy myself with the files in my hands but it felt like my throat was closing and I had to do something. I just stay frozen in my chair as the meeting continued, flipping through the file over and over. I didn't know what was in the file, I didn't notice when Fury stopped talking. Or when he left the room. I instinctively reached up and started scratching my neck to try and get rid of the burn that was slowly spreading throughout my body.

Everything around me started to blur and somehow I ended up under the table, rocking back and forth. I heard voices, noises but I couldn't see or hear what was happening.

Steve's POV:

"Alright that'll be it, make sure you get a good look at those files so you're ready for that mission." Fury exits the room, nodding at our quiet goodbyes and I turn my attention to the files on the table. I collect them into a pile and extend my hand for y/n to pass me the final one.

"Y/n pass the file over," I say sternly, closing them up. When she doesn't respond or make a move I look up to find her staring off into space, clawing at her neck. "Hey, y/n stop that you're gonna hurt yourself." Sam and I both move over to her as she sinks back into her chair, sliding to the floor.

"Hey, hey, hey." Sam bends down to hold her wrists down. Her body shakes and her breathing is heavy, coming out in gasps as tears drip down her cheeks. "It's gonna be ok." I kneel beside them and look up at Vision.

"Call Bruce, I know he's out right now but we need him back ASAP." They nod and move to call him. "Come on y/n, you're gonna be ok."

"What is happening to her?" Thor asks quietly, moving to sit on the floor behind us. I look up at his worried face, as he watches her shake and cry.

"I believe she's experiencing a panic attack." Vision replies, floating down beside her. "We need to help her calm her breathing, Bruce is on his way." They turn their attention back to y/n and places a hand on her shoulder. "I understand it's hard, but I need you to try and breathe. It's going to be alright, I promise you and I am incapable of giving false information. Can you breathe for me?" She looks up at them shakily and nods, holding onto Sam's hands tightly.

"I've got an idea," he says quietly. "Let's count, can you do that?" She nods after a moment and her eyes dart around the room from left to right. "All right cmon, 1."

"1..." she responds, her voice quieter and higher than usual. "1."

"2..." they continue back and forth, counting to 10 and then starting over until her breathing becomes even again and she stops shaking. "Can I hug you?"

"Please..." she sighs as he wraps her in his arms around her, rocking her from side to side. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize." I insist sternly. I take her hand in mine and rub her knuckles with my thumb lightly. "It's not your fault. But I do have a question..."

"Go ahead." Y/n peeks over Sam's shoulder at me and smiles gently.

"What triggered it? I just want to know so maybe we can avoid it next time? Is that how it works, I'm not too good at this stuff." She giggles and smiles wider.

"I don't know, I've been having a pretty shitty day and I guess I just got overwhelmed." She says after a moment. "So sometimes there's no avoiding it but I appreciate you trying."

"Yeah, of course," I mutter. "Is there anything else we can do?" She shakes her head and Sam helps her up, leading her to a hug from Thor.

"Thanks for asking though, I really appreciate it guys."

hey everyone i'm back!

i've been going through some stuff lately so sorry for not updating but i should be back to more frequent updates very soon


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