8: Bucky Barnes(Made not Born)

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Title: Made not Born
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner
Warnings: mentions of violence, suicidal thoughts
Summary: reader puts themselves in harms way and expresses their insecurities to Bucky.


"Oh fuck me." I groan out, hearing the small beeping as I finish off the last of the agents.

"Sorry y/n/n I'm not Barnes so no can do." Tony mumbles. I let out a dry chuckle and race towards the ticking bomb.

"Funny Stark. Is everyone out of the building?" I hear a few murmurs of agreement and start working on trying to diffuse the weapon. I notice the ticking getting quicker and louder and back away from it. "Guys... I'm gonna need someone to catch me ok? Either of you copy? Guys there's a bomb!" With a few seconds remaining, I throw myself out the window and the building exploding behind me as I fall.

"Y/n!" I can hear Steve's voice from the ground getting closer to me before I hear and see nothing at all.

Steve's POV:

"Oh fuck me."

"Sorry y/n/n I'm not Barnes so no can do." I roll my eyes at the pair and focus on helping a few remaining people out of the building.

"Funny Stark." Comms begin to go down and I press a hand to my ear, trying to hear her. "Guys... catch... me... bomb!"

"Y/n?! Tony there's a bomb in there!" I go into panic mode, rushing to the east side of the building where y/n was handling the mission on the top floor. "Y/n don't you dare jump out that..." before I can finish she's already falling hundreds of feet towards the ground. "Y/n!"

Tony shoots something out of his suit, calling a procedure and catches y/n in a net a few feet off the ground. I race over to her and check for a pulse.

"Come on y/n/n..." I mutter. I sigh in relief when I feel her heart beat and scoop her up into my arms. "Let's go Tony, tell Banner to set up the lab. It's urgent."

Bucky's POV:

"Hey Bruce... hear us? You need... lab... y/n... critical... emergency." I rush down towards Bruce's lab and find him clearing a space. I start helping him without a word and when I hear FRIDAY announce that they're home I run out to see her.

"Where is she?" I growl as Tony comes rushing in, Steve close behind him. Tony points to Steve and I finally see a limp y/n in his arms. "Y/n..." Steve walks past me towards the lab without a word and Tony puts a hand on my shoulder. I shake it off and go to walk away but he stops me again.

"Let me tell you what happened before you see her."

Time skip to after Tony explains what happened...

"She did WHAT?!"

"Hey man we told her to be careful and comms went down unexpectedly. I tried my best." He backs away and holds his hands up. I can see he's nervous so I take a deep breath and turn away.

"I'll talk to her once she wakes up. Let's go see her." Stark pats me on the back and we silently walk back to where y/n is lying on her back, breathing lightly.

"She's ok." Bruce assures us once he sees my face. "She definitely has a concussion and some cuts and bruises but Tony was able to stop the fall before too much damage could be done." I send Tony a grateful glance and sit beside my girlfriend.

"Do you know why she did it?" I ask quietly after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence.

"Be... because I had to." I hear a cough from my left and quickly grab y/n's hand.

"Hey hey breathe. Take your time." She nods and coughs a little more before continuing.

"I had to Buck. After all I've done... I owe it to the people to at least..."

"I'm gonna stop you right there. Y/n there's a difference between making amends and almost getting yourself killed. A very BIG difference might I add. Weren't you I don't know, worried about that?" I scold lightly. I don't want to be too harsh but I can feel my anger resurfacing just thinking about losing her.

"Not really... I didn't think about it too much. I mean..." she takes a deep breath "I knew I could've died but I didn't really care." I look at the others who are absolutely shocked.

"Uh we'll give you two a minute." Steve says before dragging the other two out.

"Y/n... please tell me... please tell me that you weren't trying to die." She doesn't answer me for a moment and every time she opens her mouth to say something, nothing comes out. "Y/n I love you so much, please why would you think you deserve to die?"

"I'm a monster Bucky..." she whispers. "I hurt so many people. If I... if I just gave something for these people maybe they wouldn't hate me."

"No one hates you. Y/n monsters are made not born. You had a hard time inside of HYDRA and outside of HYDRA after we left. You are as much of a monster as I am and you don't think I'm a monster do you?" She shakes her head and I smile a little. "See? You are not a monster. We have a life outside HYDRA and we help save the world." She smiles back at me. She moves over and I slide in beside her, holding her close to my chest.

"I love you James."

"I love you too doll."


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