📚54: Thor Odinson📚

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I wasn't the most tech-savvy person ever. Shocking when your brother is none other than Tony Stark. And it's definitely no help when you're dating a thousand-year-old god who hasn't a clue about the modern world. So when Thor showed up in my bedroom begging for help with his computer, I refused.

"Darling, I love you," I started, his eyes shining with hope as I said this. "But I'm not helping you find an online book! Especially not one that's super rare."

"But y/n," he whined, grasping my shoulders, stopping me from leaving. "I need it."

"Why? It's a book about what?" He sheepishly mumbles something and I groan. "You're kidding, right? A book on Norse mythology?! You're literally a Norse god! What do you need a book for?!"

"I just want to see it." He defends quickly. "Please?"

"Thor I'm absolutely atrocious when it comes to technology. I'm sorry." I got up and left him alone in my room with his laptop and a frown.

An hour or so later...

"Thor sweetheart! The rest of the team is back for dinner, come on." Steve, Sam, and I continue to set the table and everyone except Thor joins us in the dining room. "FRIDAY where's Thor?"

"He's still in your bedroom Ms. Stark."

"Your room?" Tony asks curiously. I slap his shoulder and chuckle, walking back upstairs.

"Shut up, he was in there asking me to help him look for a book so he's probably still looking for it. I'll be back, don't wait for us," I call as they disappear from sight. "Thor come on it's time for dinner, what are you- are you ok?!" I rush to his side when I see the horrified expression on his face.

"Look..." he points to the screen and I turn the laptop around so I can see what he's looking at.

Thor Odinson smut shots

"Oh, baby... you tried looking for your book on Wattpad huh?" He nods and looks at me, slightly frightened.

"Are people really interested in things like that?" He whispers. I hold back a laugh and close the laptop rubbing his back.

"Yeah, some people. There are better books out there, maybe you found a bad one. Let's just go eat dinner ok?" Thor nods and I lead him downstairs.

The rest of the team watches us carefully and furrows their brow, sending silent messages to each other. This goes on for a few minutes and while Thor makes himself busy with his food, I watch everyone else stare at us, then each other, and back again.

"Alright what is it?" I finally ask, setting down my fork. "Why are you all... on edge?"

"I think we should be asking point break over there the same question." Tony gestures to the god beside me with his fork and I sigh.

"Don't even ask," I reply distraughtly. "He just went a little too far into book searching."

"People on this Wattpad are nasty," Thor announces suddenly. Natasha and Clint both spit out their drinks and Sam starts choking on his salad, Steve patting his back.

"Wattpad?" My brother wheezes between laughs. "WATTPAD?!"

Next up Natasha Romanoff...


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