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"W-what?" she asked in confusion but then chuckled "Eric, we are married."
"I know." he said pleased, looking his hand brushing back her hair and drawing a silouette over her shoulder.
"I wanna.." he tried to find the right words "I wanna experience it with you again." She was in thoughts, her memories of her wedding day were hazy like many of her memories.
"Just say you'll marry me." he persuaded her by pulling her hips closer to his.
"Like renewing vows?" she asked still in thoughts.
"Something like that, yeah." he said pleased.
"We'll see." she said cheeky and got up leaving him looking at her cocky. He knew she was playing.
"Are you seriously gonna leave me hanging?" he played along. She smirked and gathered her clothes from the floor.
"I need to go." she said serious, putting her clothes on. He looked her for a moment, trying to take all of her presence in, like she was about to leave and never come back. Things that had happened in the past had taught him to always take the last minutes with his love like it was their last. Last smile. Last kiss. Last glance before stepping out.
"See you later?" she cut off his thoughts and was leaning over him, looking in his eyes.
"For sure!" he said and pulled her into a passionate kiss, taking everything in, the scent, the taste, the essence of each other. Their moment was disturbed by a knock on the door which made her jump up and grab random papers from the table.
"Come in!" he said smirking.
"So I'll get right back with those." she said shuffling the papers and turned to leave.
"Yeah, you do that." he said entertained, seeing she held some random reports. He greeted some dauntless man coming to see him but his thoughts were still on her.

Few hours later he walked towards the Cafeteria looking for his wife, asking from people "Hey, have you seen Jamie?", "Hey, is Jamie around here somewhere?" When walking he thought about something he had done. Something he thought he wasn't capable of doing anymore. Something that came so easy for him in the past. But it didn't now. He had a flashback to this moment in his mind. Him  and Harold standing on the field on their way back to Chicago. He had stopped to check the tire and asked Harold to help him but soon he knew that it was time. He was calm but regretful, accepting his faith, asking Eric to keep his promise. Even though it was allowed for him this time, he was different, everything was different. Eric was standing in front of him, pointing his gun at Harolds head. Still fighting the urge to let him live. He had ran some quick scenarios through his head but every time ended up on the same conclusion. He remembered the old mans words, he remembered grunting in despair . He remembered pointing his gun at the old mans head over and over again, until he pulled the trigger. The blood on his hands had stayed despite how many times he had washed his hands. He was a monster, he had known it for a while. But this time he felt bad about it. The mission of destroying the Bureau was successful but the old man was a loose end.
He had clouded his mind with those flashbacks but then he saw her at the distance and his mind was swept from those thoughts. She was talking to some Dauntless woman at the corridor. He watched her talking, he loved to watch her when she wasn't seeing. Mesmerized by the sight he walked to her "There you are!" and said to the other woman "Hey Stephany." Without hearing the woman answer to his greeting he said "I've been looking everywhere for you."
"You have?" Jamie was surprised and wrapped up with Stephany. When they parted ways, Jamie said "I didn't know I was lost." and let him take her hand.
"Well you're here know, so.." he said and pulled her hand on his chest. She glued herself against his chest and smiled, looking up to see his eyes. He looked her under his nose "I feel like you were running from me."
"I wasn't." she said "I was just busy. My boss is busting my ass."
"Re-ealy?" Eric asked smirking and they burst to laugh.
"Come on, lets go to lunch." he said and placed his hand on her lower back, giving it a slight squeeze. That kind of squeeze he was used to give her, to show her, to let her know he was thinking about her.
"Yes." she said suddenly.
"Huh? Yes what?" he asked distracted.
"I'll marry you. Again." she said. He stopped on his tracks to face her, to read her. It was clearly written in her face- she wanted it.
"We make it alright." he said cupping her face, his forehead against hers "We are one. I love you."

She stood opposite to him, looking into his blue eyes. Time hasn't changed that. The intensity of his stare on her, the way his stare made her feel. All the moments they had stared each other like this, flashed before her eyes.

He still felt like a million bucks, like he owned a fortune or a rare gem that no one had. Nothing had changed that. She was still his world, after all the kids he still adored her, after all the fights she was still the one whos lap he wanted to rest his head, to let his guard down. After all the struggles, their love had survived. Not just that.

Their love had gone through so much. It was forged by the webs of lies and violent ways. It was forged by fire that they were, despite what came on their way. They were still burning. Still in flames.

"Forever." she said, looking into his blue eyes.


The End


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