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Hey lovelies☺️ I am so sorry for the delayed update. I've been so busy and tired at the end of the day that I wasn't able to write the story.
Now I've worked on this chapter for some days. I hope you like it. I really love to write about the feelings he has for Jamie and describe this guy, the tiny delicious details 🤤
As for the future, I don't know if I should continue this story as I'm not sure there's anything left to write. Maybe I'll think of something, maybe I'll wrap things up. Dunno yet. But yeah, enjoy this chapter🤗
Thanks for the love.x
For a while they worked on their relationship, trying to find their way back. The darkness that had surrounded her for some time, was still there and the truth serum had had a bad influence on her dreams. So often she woke up from a nightmare, sweaty, crying in panic. Eric was there for her, always tired but always there. Sometimes he had to get it out in a way he knew the best- by beating the boxing bag or sparring with somebody. He often was angry, usually venting to Four "Somebody should've known! I mean the serum is full of god-knows what shit! She could've had a mental breakdown, in front of everybody!", "Shut the fuck up! It's my wife we're talking about!", "Damn, sometimes I feel like we're back in the beginning.." , "It's like waking up every night when the kids we're born." But he got it all out of his system and was there for her. He knew that what she went through was way worse. She went to therapy, tried to get used to her new occupation, Eric always appreciating her job, often trying to steal her attention or trying to steal her away, saying things like "Orders from the leader.", "Come on, baby, lets take five."; waiting her to finish her assignments to go to lunch with her.
She loved his attention and care. She knew it didn't come easy, she knew he poured everything out at the gym. He didn't have to tell her, she saw his bruised knuckles or how sweaty he was when he came home.  She knew it was his way, his only way and she let it be. With Eric it was all physical. She wished she could overcome her anxiety and entrapment the same way, she wished it was that easy. She had tried but it didn't help.
Month later things looked better. The therapy had been successful. She slept better, she had worked through everything that was hiding in the dark corners of her mind. All that was left was peace. No monsters lurking at the threshold of her dreamworld, no danger and fright, no insecurity or anxiety. She was happy and alive, enjoying her job and especially her boss. She missed him when he left her alone in her office, she missed him when he was running around the Dauntless compound. Sometimes he asked him to come along as an assistant. She was glad, she tried to focus, but often was distracted by his looks and the way she felt about him. She had fallen for him, again, making her chuckle that it's even possible. Sometimes he noticed her like that and smirked when he was talking to someone, trying to stay professional. But his heart was bursting with joy and happiness. They had survived all of it and he hadn't lost her.
"What is it with you today?" he asked playfully. He already knew what his wife looked like when she was in love or horny.
She let out a chuckle and blushed "You know..." and he said quicker than he should've been "No I don't. Tell me!"
She sighed and prepared mentally "I can't focus at work."
"Honey, is everything okay?" he asked, pretending to be worried.
"It is. More than okay. I-I just, I'm so distracted by you, Eric." she burst out the end and sat on her chair. He made surprised eyes.
"I try to... I really do.. but I can't help myself." she chuckled and looked at him "I think.. no, I know. I'm so in love with you." she seemed confused. He came to her, feeling pleased, and leaned his hands on the hand-rests of the chair she was sitting on, his stare on her.
"Then we should do something about it." he said calm. He leaned closer, seeing her breathing quicker, waiting what will happen next. He was so close, his lips almost touching hers, breathing her in, appreciating every second that went by. She was unable to do anything, her eyes glued on him, her lips waiting his. He kissed her, what seemed like for the first time. But who he was kidding, kissing her always felt like the first kiss, so longed and special, filled with sexual tension. It amazed him every time. One would think that a couple that has been together for that long would be used to the kiss. But not them. Her kiss was something that took over his senses. The way her skin smelled, the way she responded, the way her mouth tasted. At first he was amazed but only to be reminded of what was his and what he knew and still loved with his every cell. It made his mind to override everything. He forgot everything, his surroundings, his assignments for the day. At that moment she was his only duty and he attended to do his job well. To love her was and had been his life mission.
He snaked his arms around her and grabbed her in his arms, scooping her up and sat on the chair himself, her on top of him. He breathe heavy, letting out a loud breath when she weighed down on his growing shaft, making his mind race and his needs to grow and take charge. He kissed her greedy, trying to unzip his pants. She tried to help him, unzipping hers, breaking their kiss when she failed. They both let out a chuckle when she succeeded and they realized there wasn't anything stopping them. She got rid of her pants and sat on him, making him dig his fingertips in her back under her shirt.
They made love slowly at first, to savour every second if it, every sensation. Until they both couldn't hold on anymore. She grabbed his hair when she rode off, him right behind her, high, absolutely messed up, his usually sleek hair all messed up, his face blushed, lips swollen as he panted, letting his head rest on the backrest of the chair and pulled her to rest on his chest. For some time the world around him didn't exist, only the heart beating in his chest and the pulse behind his eyes reminded that he was alive indeed.
"Marry me." he said when he came back to reality.

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