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Okay guys, here it is - the first chapter of the story. I hope you like it.

Since it's Christmas and I'm in a mood, I try to post chapters through out the holidays.

Happy reading :) And Merry Christmas to you all. Stay well, enjoy good food and spend time with your loved-ones.

Adding music that inspired me, that I listened at the moment or just because its name matches with the chapter. Enjoy!


Darkness closes in around him, despite his efforts to try and get out and follow the unknown that has been in his dreams for some time. He feels helpless, desperate to reach the man haunting him in his dreams. But the darkness wont let him, coming on him until he cannot breathe. He hears screams and begging until the pitch is getting lower, to a demon-like sound, until it's unrecognisable.

Eric jolted up from his nightmare, all sweaty and panting. It took a moment until he realized he's awake. He brushed his palms over his face and through his hair, taking deep breaths. When he felt calmer he turned to look on his side, seeing Jamie sleeping soundly next to him and he relaxed more. His safe harbour, he had felt his mind resting every time he'd watched her. Sometimes he had been lost in his thoughts looking at her. He smiled slightly and laid down again, trying to remember the dream he had. He remembered feeling helpless, a ridiculous feeling he only has felt few times. Three actually, the reasons were sleeping in their rooms. His son Ethan, daughters Ivy and little Rose. He had felt helpless seeing Jaime giving birth to them. He's always been self-confident and brave but seeing the love of his life in pain and knowing he caused that and that he wasn't able to do anything for her, made him feel helpless. Although Jaime was the bravest woman he had ever seen, this was the weakest and strongest he has seen her at the same time. Even standing behind the glass at the vault many years back, seeing a gun pointed at Jaime's head wasn't helpless moment for him cause he knew he was able to do something. But not at the births of his children. That's how he had known the feeling of helpless.

He realized that he wasn't able to fall asleep again so he turned and looked at the clock on the nightstand.

Almost 6.30.. he thought and sat up, stretching his back. He stood up and took his t-shirt from a chair and put it on, walking through the hall. He stopped behind four doors, peeking in from all of them, taking a moment to appreciate the sight of his four sleeping children before he walked to the kitchen and started the coffee machine. While he waited for the coffee in front of the two coffee mugs placed on the counter, he rewind the past 10 years, remembering them born, their milestones-taking first steps, first tooth coming out, Ethan's first fight, starting school, laughing, all their achievements.

Suddenly hands snaked around his torso and he grabbed the forearms, squeezing them and he turned his head on the side "What have I told you about sneaking up on a leader?" and yanked Jaime on the side and turned to face him "Huh?"

"I'm pretty sure you were the one always sneaking up on me." Jamie said cocky, eyeing his lips.

"You're asking for it aren't you?" he asked challenged, remembering their fight years back. Jamie smirked, challenging him, holding her body stiff. She already knew. Suddenly he quickly moved his hand over her shoulder blades, his other hand was around her throat, squeezing her gently into a choke from behind. She reacted to it with grabbing the arm on her throat and threw him over her shoulder, holding him from his one arm when he landed on his side. She was about to land her knee on his belly and punch him but he was faster and grabbed her by the shirt and alined his body with hers and pushed her over her head with his foot on her hip. She landed on her back and groaned out. Eric quickly crawled to her and straddled her, taking a hold of her wrists and pinned them on the ground.

"You okay, honey?" he asked teasing.

"Yeah, haven't had my coffee yet." she said and tried to get her hands free but before she could, Eric kissed her rough. She let her hands limp and kissed him back. He let her roll him over while they were kissing and was ready for action when they heard a door open, making them freeze. They listened feet pattering on the floor and another door opening, close to each other, him brushing his lips against hers, teasing. They heard someone talking and realizing what was about to happen, Eric counted down "Three. Two One.."

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