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Eric had calmed down after a while and was sitting on the floor, his back against the wall, leaning his head on his hand. Suddenly he heard footsteps and someone opening the door.

„Zane." he was surprised, standing up. Zane looked at Eric's bloody knuckles and said „You gotta stop doing this. Brother." As soon as Zane had said it, Eric looked at him in shock „You know?"

„Yeahhh, I know." he said, making Eric bulge his eyes and added „I've known it for some time now."

„What..?!" Eric frowned, couldn't believe his ears.

„In fact, I know everything about you." he said calm. Eric connected the dots „You..."

„Yeeess, me." Zane said pleased „But I only pointed light on the right direction. You're the murderer, always have and always will be."

„I did not kill Layla!!" Eric hissed through teeth.

„Oh I know." Zane said „It was an accident, I swear." The innocent way he said it made Eric angry „You little shit..."

„Me?" he asked theatrically „But it was all you. Oh... the humiliation Jamie must feel.." he played with his conscience and asked „Where is she anyway?" Eric shook his head, waiting to hear his next words.

„Oh, my bad." he said making Eric shake his head in disbelief.

„Yeahhh, I have something that belongs to you." he said pleased. Eric jumped on the bars, grabbing them and shook them as much as he could, grunting out in rage. Zane looked the bars, like he was measuring and said „Nope. Those gonna hold for sure. I guess the big bad Eric isn't as strong as he leads on."

He turned to leave when Eric hissed through his teeth, spit flying „You better hope I wont find you. Because when I do, you wanna wish you were never born. I'm gonna end you..."

„Good luck with that." Zane said, taking a napkin from his pocket and wiped away the spit.

He left the cells quickly, hearing Eric roar and yell and returned to the room Jamie was held.

She was slowly coming to consciousness and when she finally realized what had happened she tried to jump up and hissed „You're gonna pay for this!", when she was pulled back by the chain that was around her neck, making her cry out. She cought for some time, Zane just stood in front of her and watched her.

„Are you done?" he asked like Eric would do it and chuckled „Oops, it's his line, isn't it."

„Why are you doing this?" Jamie asked in confusion.

„Why? WHY?" Zane asked irritated but then calmed a bit „I didn't have anything! While he was living like a normal kid would. Where was MY mother when I felt most alone?! Where was MY honor and glory? Even Layla didn't want me.."

„You killed her didn't you???" she asked „SHe was pregnant, you bastard!"

„Oh yeah, that kid..." he said and added „i just came visiting Eric, he confessed it was his."

„No, he didn't!" she spat back „You're lying!"

„Why would I lie?" he asked offended „I mean, who knew."

„You're lying! SHut the fuck up!!" she yelled.

„Hey-hey, shh, don't hurt yourself." he said with a fake concern and took out a syringe.

„W-what are you doing? What is this?" she asked scared, trying to get free, but no use.

„It's okay. Let me just make you feel better." he said slowly approching her.

„No. Get that thing away from me!" she shouted but Zane ignored it, saying calm „Just a little bit, to make you calm." As he was close to her, about to inject her, she suddenly yanked her head back and punched him with her head. He fell backwards on the floor, crying out, grunting.

She looked him amused „My trademark." she smirked and tried to get the candcuffs off, glancing at the floor to see if he got up or not. He slowly got up, breathing heavy, spitting out blood. He walked to her, glenching his jaw. She stared him cocky, aware that she failed on getting free from the cuffs.

He looked at her for a moment, then punched his fist in her face. She tilted her head back, groaning, trying to keep her eyes open, tears flowing down. As she was getting over it, she chuckled and looked him cocky „Is that all you got?" and laughed, making him feel uncertain.

„That's enough!" he said annoyed and stepped closer to her, his one arm grabbing her hair and the other was injecting her. He was concentrated on the amount, not to overdose. He knew it would kill her. „Just enough to make it work." He saw her pupils widen a bit and he felt her pulse to be sure. He took a hold of her chin and squeezed it „Are you there?" She looked at him, but that was the only reaction he got. He let go of her chin and sat near her to wait.

Eric was clammed against the bars, glenching his fist around the bars, too exchausted to sit down. He felt hopeless, not knowing where Zane kept Jamie and what he was doing to her. Suddenly there was movement in the corridor and he got alive again, shouting „Hey! Who's there!?" When Michael and Martin walked in, he felt relieved „Please tell me you have good news!"

„We're working on it." Michael said, handing him bottle of water and a sandwich. Eric ignored it and said „No, listen!" he said irritated „He has Jamie! Zane! Zane has Jamie!"

„Slow down!" Martin said „Where? How do you know that?!"

„That son of a Bitch came here!" Eric said „My brother has orchestrated everything! Search through all the footages from him!"

„He's your brother?" Martin was shocked.

„Twin who was abandoned. Long story!" he rushed.

Martin was surprised and nodded „Hey, bro, try to relax! And eat! You need your strenght." He nodded and took the food and said „Get me out of here! Pronto! I wanna be there when we catch him."

„I will." Martin said and they left.

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