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He walked to the cellar and entered to the cell Harold was kept, meeting Martin and Michael on the way.

„You got the papers?" Eric asked Michael. Michael opened his binder and dug out the right papers „Here." Eric took them, thanking him and ran his eyes over them while entering the cell.

„Good morning Harold." he said with new energy. Harold looked him uncertain and nodded. Eric sat down, pleased with the solution.

„Excuse me, Eric." Harold asked.

„Yes?" Eric asked, looking him under his brows.

„How's your wife?" Harold asked with sincere worry in his eyes. Eric stopped suffling the papers and looked at him, surprised „You're really worried about her, aren't you?" Harold answered him with a worried face.

„But then again, you're a spy, nothing less is expected from you." Eric answered bitter.

„I never wanted anyone to get hurt." Harold said sad.

„Yeah?" Eric asked cocky and said closer to his face „Well, someone did!" he resumed looking at the documents and placed one paper in front of Harold and threw a pen on it „Read!"

Harold took the paper with his shivering hand and asked glancing at Eric „What is this?"

Eric looked him with the deadliest stare „Your salvation." Harold gasped and started to read it. They wanted him to switch sides and act as their spy in order to take down the remains of the Bureaus council, board of directors, everything. Harold looked desperate at Eric, then Martin and Michael, shaking his head, frightened and confused.

„No?" Eric asked, trying to remain calm. They were giving him a chance to spare his family and he was about to flush it down the drain. He had been too patient with him and now he was done. He jumped up and ripped his gun from the holster and directed it to Harolds head. Michael and Martin were alerted. Eric was fuming but his hand was steady, deadly stare on Harold „This offer is more than generous, old man!" he hissed  and pushed the gun barrel against Harolds forehead „I have no problem with shooting you right here, right now!" His nostrils were widened with anger.

„Eric don't!" Martin said alarmed.

„Give me one reason not to shoot him!" Eric said to the side, not taking his eyes off of Harold.

„ERIC!" Martin shouted, standing up „That's enough!" Although Eric was the leader, Martin knew he was about to do something even he wouldn't get away with it. Eric was letting the anger take the best of him. It took Eric a moment to obey, he swallowed down the anger and pulled away suddenly, making Harold breathe out loud in relief, tears running. Eric put his gun back into the holster and tried to calm down. He looked at Martin and nodded as a sign for him to take his radio from the belt and send out the next order „Jeremy, come in."

„Go on." Jeremy said.

„Bring in the daughter." Martin said monotone and as soon as he had done it Harold started to beg. His begging triggered Eric again, so he grabbed Harold by it's collar and dragged him up, pushing him against the wall. Eric in fury was something no one in their right mind shouldn't test out. And that old man got the best of it. Eric was in his face, his knuckles white from squeezing the collar „I don't need a fucking gun to end you, old man!" he hissed and saw him scared even more „Your death doesn't mean shit to me, your family is nothing to me!"

„Please.." Harold begged looking at Martin and when he saw that Martin let it happen he looked at Eric again, ventilating in panic. Fearing what would his daughter think of him being a spy, a traitor to the city's government she  thought was her home. Eric's hands moved on Harolds neck and he was putting pressure on it, making Harold's face go red until he burst out „I'll do it! I swear I'll work for you just DON'T get her involved! I beg you!" The second he had said it, Eric snapped his hand off from his neck and Harold's legs gave in, making him fall on the floor. Eric backed few steps, panting, licking his lower lip, his  nostrils flared. Like a bloodthirsty predator who has been ripped off from its pray. A moment went by, both gathering themselves.

„I'll do it." he was still repeating it, but more calm now.

„Are you sure, old man?" Eric faked being concerned „I -I don't want to trouble you." Martin smirked to his sarcasm.

„Yes, I'll do what ever you want, just don't..." Harold broke down crying again.

„Well, you should've started with it in the first place!" Eric said optimistic and took a hold of Harold's arm „Here, let me help you up." This wasn't sarcasm any more. This was his way of showing why it is wise to be in good terms with him. Harold got up, Eric looking at him intensly and said compassionately „You're thirsty!" and said to Michael „For the love of God, Michael! Bring the poor man some water!"

„Right away." Michael said smirking barely noticably and left the room. Eric sat Harold down on the chair and took his chair from the floor where it had fallen when he jumped up. He tidied his vest and collar, adjusting it around his thick and sweaty neck. Michael came back with a glass of water and gave it to Harold. He nodded as a thank you and gulped it down. When he put the glass back on the table, Eric slid the document back to Harold and calmly put the pen right next to it. Harold glanced at Eric so he pointed his hand towards the document „Please.." Harold read it for few minutes while Michael and Martin stared at him. Eric looked to the distance, then tidied his uniform, rearranging some things in his vest pocket, found a long hair from his vest and pulled it away, letting it drop on the floor.

Harold turned the page, bringing their attention back to him, meaning he was reaching to the end.

„So, my daughter and grand-daughter will not be involved." Harold said and Eric nodded and made a gesture with his hands like it was all up to him. He looked Eric in the eyes for a moment and then sighed, taking the pen. As soon as he had signed the paper, Eric took it and signed it „Okay, Harold, this is show it's going down." he started and gave the paper to Martin for him to sign.

„You get a transmitter, that is showing your location, your medical data, also meaning we see when you lie. THE MINUTE you decide to fuck something up, you die. " Harold nodded unemotionally.

„You get to stay here in Chicago, see your family." Eric said optimisticly but continued with a serious tone „But be sure of that- you don't want to double-cross us." He said it, leaving out the details. That there will be people observing him and reporting back to Eric personally. That the transmitter also gave them a possibility to overhear him, inject him concentrated amounts of antidotes, truth serum, healing serum, sedative or poison. If needed. This was the latest tech and used only in certain situations.

Harold nodded. Eric looked at him for a moment then said to Michael „Michael, arrange him everything, will ya."
„Concider it done." Michael said. Eric stood up and said sharp „It was pleasure doing business with you." Martin stood up aswell and they left the room.

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