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Jamie had been in and out of concious several times. Zane had been telling her things, brainwashed her till the breaking point and when she couldn't take it anymore, he injected her the drug again. She was now sitting on the floor, her back against the wall, hands free but chain around her neck. She had cried, yelled, shouted, scratched her face, her hair was a mess.

Zane was about to start with another session when he heard noises coming from the other end of the corridor.

„Crap!" he said and injected her the dose and ran out, locking the door.

„There's somebody in there!" he heard Eric say and started to run to the exit that was near.

Eric's men reached to the door when Eric commanded „Break it down!" Eric and Four continued following the footsteps and soon they saw a light in the end of the tunnel.

„He's getting away!" Four yelled.

„No he wont!" Eric growled and punched the door open and ran like a beast, driven by rage and personal avengence, reaching closer to Zane with every step. Suddenly Zane turned around, pointing a knife at him. Eric stood in place, panting, his hawk eyes on Zane, snarling „You think this'll scare me?!"

Zane started moving on the side, jabbing the knife towards Eric. He ducked few times, then slapped the knife out of his hand and threw a punch in Zanes face, making him step back a bit.

„Aww, did I hurt you, baby bro?" Eric teased, making Zane attack him, blinded by rage. Eric smacked his hand on his throat, squeezing it, spitting out „You can act like Dauntless, but you'll never be one." He pulled Zane closer and put his right arm around his neck from behind, taking a hold of his left bicep , his left hand pushing Zanes head against his arm on his throat. He squeezed a bit more with every second, feeling him choke between his arms. He would've gladly end him. He so wanted to.

„Eric.." Four said cautious. Eric took a deep breath, to calm himself. He loosened the choke and took a hold of Zane's wrist, yanking him around. He bent his hand behind his back and walked him back inside, yanking him just to show Zane his place.

„Lock him up!" he said and hurried to the room Jaime was in. Seeing her in such a lousy state made him freeze on his tracks for a moment. Then he hurried to kneel in front of her, cupping her cheek „Baby!" She was out. Eric checked her pulse, shouting to the guards „Get this off of her!" brushing hair on the side. She was freed from the chain and he took her in his arms, carrying her out, running, shouting „Out of the way!"

"Nadia!" Eric yelled out when he rushed in from the door. She burst in from the other room.

"Here!" she rushed to them and said "Put her on the bed!" Eric did it as gentle he could. He tried to secure her by holding her when Nadia said, "Let go, Eric, let me check her!" She checked her for a moment and said, "She's in some kind of shock." brushing over her neck "She has had some injections to her neck. Several." She was serious and said "She could have an overdose! Emma!" Emma came in and she started to give orders "Take her blood to toxicology. Take this. Press there. Ok. Go." Eric just stood there, worried sick but also relieved they found her alive.

Soon Nadia had finished and said to Eric "She's stabile. Now we just have to wait for the results and we'll take it from there." Eric nodded and sighed "Thanks." He sat next to her, taking her hand and placed a kiss on it. He was so tired but he remembered that he hadn't left things right with the kids, so he took his radio.

"Sarah come in." he said to the radio.

After a moment Sarah's voice was heard "Eric?"

"Yeah." he said tired and sad.

"Glad to hear you're out. Are you okay?" she asked "Where's Jamie?"

"Yea I'm alright." he said and added "Jamie's with me. Sleeping. It's a long story. Listen, are the kids at home?"

"Oh, okay. Well say hi to her. Yes, the kids are here. Wanna speak with them?"

"Can I?" he asked.

"Sure. Wait a second. I'll go and tell them." After a minute Ethan was on the line "Hey, dad."

"Ethan, my boy! How are you?" Eric asked grinning. Although things where uncertain, he felt happy that moment.

"I'm okay, I guess." Ethan said sad, Eric hearing girls at the back "Am I hearing my flowers back there?"

"Yeah, they've missed you." Ethan said and Eric felt like shit.

"Listen, tomorrow we'll be home, together, and... I'm gonna make things right."
"Okay, dad." he said and Ivy grabbed the radio from him "Hi daddy! I miss you!"

"I know babygirl." he said tears in his eyes "Till tomorrow, okay?"

"Yes. Rose and Lily are saying hi." Ivy said.

"Tell them I love you all and we'll see you tomorrow." Eric said.

"Okay." the girls cheered and shut the radio. Eric leaned closer to Jamie and whispered, "You heard that, baby, we're gonna be home tomorrow, with our kids." He smiled to her.

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