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He took only coffee and sat down at the leaders table, tapping on his tab.

„Hey." Four said „Not eating today?" Eric lift his head and said „Nah, I ate with my kids today." Seeing Eric smile slightly, Four said „That's nice."

„Yeah." Eric chuckled „Really needed that."  Then he got a message from Emma, telling him the exact time when the doctor would start with the procedure. He took a large gulp from the coffee and stood to get going, knowing he had a lot to do before that.

„You're going already?" Tris asked worried. She hadn't listened their conversation.

„Yeah." he smirked „Got shit loads to do. Wife to revive, enemies to kill. You know.." He knew she would still feel uncomfortable around killing and violence. Tris rolled her eyes but let it go, saying „Good luck with Jamie." she was sincere. Even Eric didn't deserve that.

„Thanks." he said and looked at Four „I'll come by later." Four nodded and Eric left to his office to look through and sign some papers Michael had left him. An hour later his watch reminded him about the procedure and he wrapped things up. On his way out he met Michael „Oh hey. Papers. On my desk."

„Okay." Martin responded and waited for more instructions.

„Lets just go by the book, okay." Eric said „I need to be at the Infirmary in 5 minutes."

„Copy that." Martin said „Good luck."

„Thanks." Eric said and hurried towards the Infirmary.

„Good morning everyone." he greeted Emma.

„Look at you!" she greeted him back „So fresh and energized."

„Yeah." he said smirking „A really good friend of mine told me to take a beat."

„She's awesome." Emma chuckled and thanked him for opening the door for her. As soon as he walked in he saw Jamie awake, sitting on the bed.

Nadia walked to greet him „She woke up from a nightmare but we managed to calm her down."

„You did?" Eric was surprised and full of hope „That's good. Really good." and walked to the bed "Morning Doc. Give me the good news!"

„Well, I think she's ready and I'm certain that today will be easier." the doctor said. Still it gave Eric shivers, knowing she will be still in mental and physical pain.

„We're so close, mr. Coulter." doctor Lever said optimistically.

„I do hope so." Eric said „I'm eager to go to the cellar and tell Zane we were successful and he failed."

„You will." Nadia said positive.

„Well, with your permission.." the doctor said and took the first syringe, waiting Eric's response. He nodded, looking at everything that was done to his wife. She fought back as much the restraints let her, meaning, not much.

At first it seemed like she was okay. The longer it took the more Eric hesitated if the doctor got the mixture right. But then she started to shift and frown, her breathing quickened and she stared at the spot the needle had penetrated her skin. she tried to reach her other hand to scratch it, tried to get free, threw her head from side to side, until she stared crying, begging. It seemed like every emotion and state of mind wrecked through her body. Rage, anger, heartache, disappointment, grief, jealousy, anxiety, scorn, lonelyness, envy, guilt, fear, panic, sadness, depression and pain. Eric looked at his wife going through it, like a living fear sim before his eyes, nowhere to run. He glenched his fists, to resist on punching her unconcious. That was his ultimate wish at that moment- to end her misery. But that would have meant failure. So he just watched her yell and cry until she started seizuring. This time he was more persistant, he knew that if she lived through the first one, she'd survive this one too. Tho he knew the outcome, it still seemed to go on forever, until the doctor injected the second serum and she fell limp on the bed. As soon as she did that, the doctor checked on her vitals.  Eric sitting on the other side of the bed, holding her hand, pecking kisses on it.

After doctor Lever had finished, he said „Phase two done." and Eric said bitterly „One to go." Doctor Lever saw the heartbreak and depression in him, so he stepped closer to him „Jamie is one of a kind. The most fierce patient I've ever seen. DON'T lose your hope now." Eric nodded „She is. Thank you doc." Hope  was all he had left.

„I'll see you later okay." doctor Lever said. Eric was pulled out of his thoughts and he nodded absent minded. When everybody had left the room he checked the time on his watch. He knew there were assignments waiting him but he wanted to be with Jamie a little bit longer. He leaned closer to her and brushed her hair on the side, looking every detail on her face. „Still you, my love." Although she was so tired-looking he still thought she was the most beautiful woman. Her soul, that he knew was unbreakable, was connected to his. So even if she didn't hear him, he was certain she sensed him. And although she was violent towards him, he knew that deep down in her core, was still love left. They just had to break her first in order for her to heal.

He checked the time again and sighed. He really needed to go. He stood up, leaning closer to her and whispered „See you later." and pecked a kiss on her forehead.

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